Season of Discovery Class Tuning Incoming - December 12

It’s extremely obvious that Hunters were dead last on the To Do List for developing runes or actually thinking about how the class could be dramatically different or interesting in SOD.

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Because we are level 25 and there are Runes for slots unreleased, as well as additional Runes in our current slots.

it looks like SOD didn’t get any proper test before it was released so ofc sod will get lots of class tuning every couple of weeks for balancing the game.

2 years in development, it’s pretty surprising they didn’t know about any of these issues. They told EA to hold my beer.

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That right there is far more important than anything the hunters are crying about


Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee… alpha quality code is alpha.

Wait what? This dumpster fire was 2 years in the works? So they threw 3 interns into a broom closet with a box of crayons or something?


I’ve got my popcorn ready for the light show of new threads of complaints when they raise the level bracket.

Imagine Balance Druids with Nature’s Grace and 100% free wraths. It’s going to be LIT!

Yeah they spent 2 years developing this, their words not mine!

With 8 developers, unlike the hundreds working on retail. So in 2 years 8 people made something that has the entire wow fanbase interested instead of the hundreds of normal develops on retail. Speaks a few things.


If i make a lone wolf hunter, and kite and destroy everyone (I avoid the class because i super excel at kiting) Who is gonna pay me?

The people typing they will quit now over balancing hunter is insane.

they didn’t create something from scratch
it’s just base classic with some editing

Yet people are expecting a product with the fine tuning of hundreds of developers, and it to be completely balanced, and happen immediately, with 8 people working on it. Give feedback sure, but the sheer amount of hate and vitriol against 8 people is ridiculous.

then maybe they should have released SoD as Open beta for while to get it tested/fixed/balanced or w/e before they release a half ar-se game.

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They literally said its going to be like an open beta, many times.

2 years, 8 people, 1 busted raid, bunch of busted spells that clearly never got tested. They did the bare minimum, and we are now the testers, they getting paid and we are paying for a unfinished product. People are gonna have opinions on that.


Have you noticed who arguing these points… undead, blood elves, trolls and orc… I don’t see any alliance joining in… This issue must be effecting the horde more so than the alliance.

You are paying for world of warcraft, not season of discovery, season of discovery is a BONUS. All other modes still accessible.

I’m paying for Season of Discovery


Hunters getting picked on again. Cool it Blizz.