Season of Discovery Class Tuning Incoming - April 16

ROFL, Frost is so so much worst then Ele is what are you smoking lol.

Hey! I know blue posts get saturated fast with bickering, but! Since this is a class tuning thread can we please look into Restoration Spec for shamans. Number 1 shaman healer (530 HPS) should not be so many pages behind the rest of the classes. Even other classes (holy paladins) that beg for buffs because they feel weak can still do 800 HPS


What? I don’t play a warlock but what is the point of your comment? Its completely fine imo if they buff the drop rate of the portal dagger. .15% god is so low if that is actually the droprate.

There’s that failure to understand again.

Unfortunate. Fire Power not affecting Frost Fire bolt did not make it into this and should be investigated to do so. We have to potentially wait another week and four days to find out if this gets resolved.

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Warriors doing more damage than other classes is, in fact, intended design.

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Can you stop ignoring Ret needing huge buffs to slow 2 hander raid dps? It cant be intended that the best ret dps uses a lvl 42 1hander. I dont care that I get one shot in pvp but holy hell, let me do raid dps without some gimmick weapon.

You cant have meant for ACP to be our best 2 handed weapon. A level 40 blue that never dropped even once the entire phase shouldnt do more DPS than an epic 2h from on level content.

I’d like to see a helping hand given to Restoration Shamans as well.

Our boot rune is negligible, though I’m sure Tidal Waves helps it out a bit. For mana maintenance we have to run with Shamanistic Rage instead of Earth Shield, not to mention this shield hurts Tank Shaman aggro as it replaces their Lightning Shield. I think Healing Rain is pretty good myself, keeps procs up for our 25% increased armor. As for Riptide, haven’t got it yet, but looking at some logs it shows to be an incredible addition. Water Shield is of course Water Shielding, no complaints except that if it were stronger maybe we wouldn’t have to run Shamanistic Rage. Then again Shamanistic Rage isn’t a selfish rune, it helps the whole raid.

I don’t have experience healing ST, but my time in Gnomer caused a lot of panic due to limited mobility heals and sometimes feeling like I was letting my raid down. It does remind me that positioning is very important for a healer though.

its funny how op warlock is and it actually says on my screen its actually receiving a buff instead of a nerf, good stuff guys!

I would like to get a confirmation that over 2x is their class design. You may think that’s okay. But if casters were 2x warriors im pretty sure you would quit or reroll. I would like to get confirmation. Is it their intention for mele to do more than 2x caster damage. I don’t want to invest time in a gimped class.

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The few gripes so far is. Even with all the new set up and runes I am casting 2.5 second spells way too much compared to a wild growth or PoM and renew combo I just have no mobility and if a mechanic stops my cast it’s huge. Healing rain is alright but it only heals 5 people and losing overload on chain heals is too much for a 10 second cd ability that people will move out of

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Yes, it is intended. Warriors are the best class in the game played by the best players in the game. The developers knew this and designed the game to reflect it.

Warlocks are not, so them doing more damage would be wrong. This is not complicated.

Literally just now found out that Healing Rain only heals your group and not the whole raid. :[

edit: It heals the group of your target! Better than I previously though at least.

If we’re talking PvP I’ve been using it before the buff and it’s by far the best one currently

Can you link me a blue post to where this is said. Don’t cry too much if warriors get guted.

Probably because unlike pretty much every other mana user, Shamans don’t have a core Mp5 increase.
(People argue mana spring, but it costs 25% of what it gives back over a minute, and that’s if you don’t move.)

If they want to nuke its effect on the raid, I don’t care. (Selfish shammy here) but Shamans need it because there’s literally nothing else for enhance. (Elemental gets the bit of MP5 from Power Surge rune and Resto gets some from Water Shield but it’s still no where near what’s needed to keep up with Demand.)

Priests don’t know what mana is, they just cloud up for a few seconds when they get down to 70% half way through the fight.
Druids have innervate and also some mana regen built into throwing some DPS spells in
Holy Pallies can melee weave for constant mana recovery.
Healer mages already have all that juicy built in mana stuff…

(Probably wouldn’t need any extra mana recovery if Stormstrike did what Crusader Strike does.)

Shaman has such drastic runes, because the class was utterly incomplete in Vanilla when it comes to resource. That’s why Resto raid heals was “spam R1 Chain heal” because r2 or 3 would be better, but you’d be oom in 30 seconds.

(Same with Druids, that’s why one of their spells was literally made free.)


Just delete this rune honestly lmao.

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Is this a joke? Where is the actual paladin tuning?

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wahoo i guess that means it will be safe for alliance to get back in the water (battle grounds) if all the shaman shamanticrage quit) :slight_smile:

Very well written out. I suppose I just want other rune options to be desired as in other slots there is quite the obvious “this type uses this, and that type uses that”. Where as if all shamans could run Shamanistic Rage, they would, just like previous phases.

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