Season of Complainers

I’ve never seen anything like it. Take a deep breath and go outside, it will all be okay. Every. single. thing. blizz does there is someone complaining about it… If I were them, I wouldn’t want to do seasonal test servers anymore. Yall gonna ruin “Classic +”

Can’t we be a little happier and not expect everything to be perfect? This definitely isn’t an easy task and you can’t please everyone.


Being OK with some aspects you don’t enjoy is one thing, but for example, having 2 weekly lockouts will change the fabric of running a guild to its core, and not for the better.


Did complainers ruin SoD? Can we add it to the list?

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I dont see it being a problem… I think people will play more often instead of raid logging. Its super easy to level and gear out alts. My guild will have enough people interested in running 2 raids. 1 main and 1 alt. I’m looking forward to it.

The fact that Classic (and WoW in general) has been played to death is part of the problem, too.

People have set in stone opinions for how things should be and will complain if the game deviates from that. Compare that to a brand new game where everything is being seen for the first time and there is no past reference point to bounce off of.

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Its 2 weeks away and half the classes are still in shambles with unusable runes. All theit time was spent making new dungeon loot I guess. They asked for class feedback and then seemingly ignored every good post made.


good :expressionless: don’t. just give us fresh vanilla

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Sure, but there might not be room for additional entries.

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Too little to do. Complain.
Lots to do. Complain.

You can’t make this stuff up.


They should sell off their IP’s and collapse the company.

I hate things!

Once upon a time we just played the game with the hand we were dealt…

Classic players now were the noobs then.

I guess the player base hasn’t changed much. Noobs then. Noobs now.

Its important to reach out and tell the SoD team how badass this iteration of WoW is. It’s obvious they care about WoW and we should thank them for all their hard work!


Your words are necessary.

Not everyone will be happy and some people just seek out problems. I would say a lot of them lack variety in outlets of entertainment and hyper focus on a singular thing.

Burnout occurs and they blame the negatives in whatever it is they consumed voraciously and gluttonously.

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Please list me a single PTR they ever listened to feedback.

Hint: Never.

I’m going to complain when the people responsible for developing the game say things like:

one of Affliction’s Highest DPS DoTs is its Fire DoT (Immolate)

No Affliction Warlock is using Immolate. That statement screams that these developers have no clue what they are doing.

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As a warlock main in SOD I 2nd this, I’m not hyped to play my main at all.


OP - welcome to the cesspit … I mean wow forums!

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I had to google what FOMO meant.

Describes this player base perfectly lol.

Thought that went went away with age. Not for this player base.


Yikes dude people reference fomo constantly in everything