Season of Complainers

lol i had no idea. But that explains everything. My kids go through that.

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To OP - Someone said “season of discovering my own butt hole” and I got more enjoyment outta that comment than sod since p1💀

No way, people complaining on a forum shocker

If SOD is the precursor, then Classic+ has no future.


Squeaky wheel gets the grease

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Doesn’t matter what anyone says. Whenever players complain about something, they just look at the amount of money each product brings them and THEN they might consider caring about doing something. In their defense though, most players are idiots, and thus listening to them is a bad idea.

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wasnt a problem in P1.

I think it would be hilarious if Blizzard was like, that’s it. We’ve had enough of your complaining and shut down everything. Without a place to complain you all would take it out on everyone around you until you were alone. Like most wow people are. You all are an insufferable lot.

If classic + turns out to be retail 2, most with an actual interest in classic don’t/won’t want it. Not all, but a lot of the complaints are valid. Why run a ptr to begin with if feedback is not the objective?

If class design, direction and balance are a shambles, then would that not warrant feedback indicating as such?

If retail design philosophy doesn’t belong in classic, is it not correct to give that feedback?

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The issue with SoD is that they are fundamentally bad at class design and class balance and nowhere near the right direction of getting better with it.

People complain too much sure but Blizzard has to start doing a better job with the classes going forward or SoD is screwed.

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