Season Ended?!

They are not the same thing. Check Scary’s comment for factual info

No, because getting conquest cap for a reward is a reward 25 weeks of reward when the last 10 weeks was 430 gear for a second time. That means there is no need to keep getting pointless gear. The season ending means you can’t push for glad rank 1 Duelist Rival Challenger. Get the Elite sets. That is when a season ends so no bud two different things.

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If this is actually the way they’re ending this season then this is a new low for Blizzard in my eyes. And after how they handled the prize pooling at bcon, as well as not showing the majority of the tournament, I honestly don’t know if I can continue to support them as a company/stay subscribed to their game.


Queued a game on my alt just to get challenger title. Didn’t get any title or achievement.

I’m in the same boat of hoping season’s still active, but it seems pretty unlikely they implemented an entire off season accidentally.

Season ended pog

That tweet didn’t answer any questions lol. Blizz gave the most politician answer ever.

That’s new. /s

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New update. Blizzard CS supposedly looking into it.

I think its funny that everyone is so surprised and up in arms about the season ending.

There were so many problems with the last couple seasons and it was so long I’m genuinely shocked people aren’t just happy its over.

I mean are you really surprised? Really? It’s Blizzard.

This games been in a steady decline since Wotlk.

I haven’t seen a single xpac since then that made me stop and say, “wow this game is awesome still.”

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You wouldn’t think it would be so difficult to clarify whether the season has ended or not. Really don’t know why Blizzard consistently refuses to communicate with its community.

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Tel, I’m on here too bro LMAO. I don’t think it ended if not we play tomorrow I promise LMFAO, I’ll be home

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They’re hotfixing destro real quick. 10% buff to demon armor. We’ll be back soon.

Grats to Keator on R1.

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Linking it here too since this thread was getting the most action.


I thought the worst at first too because I’ve lost faith in blizzard. At this point I wouldn’t put it past them to end a season without notice. After all this is the same company that pushed a major meta shift DURING A SEASON (BFA S1/ 8.1.5-8.2) That screwed a lot of teams pushing glad in the last month of a season and they didn’t care at all.

But I digress, just chill, its probably not over. There is server issues going on at the moment and it’s most likely related to that.

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Wait what happened?

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PVP tab showing season 3 is over, most likely bug.

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Got it, saw the blue just now. I didn’t read :rofl::rofl:

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confirmed by blizz it is infact a bug thus ending the season to early