Season Ended?!

Ty for the correction. I must have looked at something outdated.

Good one :joy:

eu season always ends after NA anyway

its says offseason up the top of your pvp tab you can still que and gain rating tho but it doesnt look like it will affect your season high

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I stand corrected, same thing happen on EU too.

damn, my arena partners where only getting like 5-10 wins a day towards the mount cus we thought we had 2 weeks left… that really sucks.


Very disappointing.

LMAO ending for EU at the same time is hilarious

Interesting chain of events here


Blizzard is a joke.


I think one of the interns at blizzard hq accidently pressed the “end the season” button.


They even said… the 14th…


be glad it has ended

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actually infuriated that my ele sham and i got glad, but our partner is like 8 wins off because we thought we had a few weeks

Yep, 15 wins to go for me. BEST SEASON EVER!

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I hope it’s a bug… 2400 is right there.

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i hope it did end bro, justice for my rdruid

I really hope they say it’s not a bug. This season was trash and let’s just hope at this point for new pvp tuning when the new season starts. (won’t happen anyways but a men can hope)

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Same for me. Well it was 2s but my friend and I were still happy about it because it would be a new milestone for us. Guess I will have to deal with a 2390 as a top high rating for this season if blizz just ended it. Blizzards lack of communication is very irritating.


rating wasn’t greyed out this morning when I was on, just seems to have happened when the servers started having problems, so may be related to that.

But I was about to get my challenger title :frowning: