Season 4 was worse than I predicted

Doesn’t heroic have all the mechanics? I thought only normal was missing mechanics.

Nope, mythic has extra mechanics too



Pugged M0 AA last night on my 459 warrior. Why are people acting like it’s impossible to do a 0 in the 460 range?

I said in gear from last season

Honestly i havent tried any mythics, unless my IRL friends want to play wow and run keys with me im not doing it


Gotcha, no problem.

If my scrub butt can do it at 459 then anyone can.

Although it’s not 459 anymore because the axe he got was almost a 40 ilvl upgrade lol. I think I had a 454 and the tree boss dropped his 2H which is 493 in 0’s.

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I’ve healed a dozen pugs so far this week up to +6. These dungeons are not too difficult. Every key I’ve been in has been at least 2 chested. I can’t do enough healing in +2’s to beat the tank. There just isn’t that much damage going out. Give it a few weeks for people to get some gear and remember the mechanics.


swirly appears under dps. dps does not move. swirly explodes and kills dps

dps: “omg m0s are too hard now!!!”

there’s nothing hard about moving slightly to the left


The interesting thing about the difficulty is that it’s currently scaled like this:

N ------ H ------------------ M ---- +2

I think it needs to be more like:

N ---------- H ---------- M -------- +2


I do agree with that. Unfortunately I don’t think the results we’re currently seeing are what people were hoping for. The difference between a heroic and a 0 is definitely steeeeeeep now. I know most of us are probably handling it just fine but man. The people that weren’t doing 0’s before are certainly not going to move up more easily now.

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Unpopular opinion I have mostly because everyone just wants everything yesterday but there’s absolutely nothing wrong with adjusting and learning it as you go gear or not.

That being said it shouldn’t be up to the rest of the group to guide you through that. There’s more than enough people playing and community functions within the game that as a player base we should be more than capable of utilizing let’s say “m+ community learning”.

That right there states there will be wipes so you already know it’s not gonna be some cruise control run which should also eliminate any of the “omg you’re trash” bs because honestly folks like that probably microwave kittens.

All I’m saying with my tldr is yah it’s a tough season and I’m sure lots of players are stressed about pugs and messing up so utilize the community function and create a m+ learning curve community <3

My guildies did not do well with the M0 we tried. LOL Most are 470-480. I think I was the lowest ilevel.

RLP, the charge from the rock elementals was wider than a few expected, so when they got out of the way, they still got clipped and one-shot. First boss AoE was brutal, but we survived the fight. Lightning proto drake turned with someone at the last second during its cast, so it one-shot us all. Trash was doing a massive amount of damage. It was going really slow, so we noped out and tried a Heroic. Which we facerolled without even paying much attention. So yeah, definitely a huge gap that needs to be adjusted.

Nope, there isn’t. But the difficulty from Heroic to M0 is way off.


Yeah I’m thinking people do have a bit of a point, especially those that are new to the scene and are trying to give it an honest chance after hearing about changes, about tuning.

I need to run more 0’s to have a better sample so I can judge it more fairly. All I have right now is the one pug run on what I thought would be a very undergeared character.

Edit: I want to play with you Sendryn. It feels like you and I are right about at the same level of play and I needs more frens.

Skill issue, anyone getting 1 shot in a +2 with the ilvl you suggest is just taking avoidable damage to the face and not caring. Sorry but this isn’t the end of s3 carries you guys have been used to for the last several weeks, you have to play the game right now :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

Actually it’s exactly what we were told it would be. A +2 in the new system is equal to a +12 in this season had the changes not been made. Which is roughly equal to a season 3 +18 or 19.

People saw this coming and spoke up but it went on deaf ears.

Blizz literally took out all of the low level progression tiers. So now M+ starts at +12.

What Blizz should have done to cut down on the number of levels is take out every odd number key. So you’d be left with 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20.

This still leaves us with 10 key levels and it brings the difficulty scaling closer.

You rename them M2-11.

M2 = M2
M3 = M4
M4 = M6
M5 = M8
M6 = M10
M7 = M12
M8 = M14
M9 = M16
M10 = M18
M11 = M20

That way you still have the progression of the lower tiers. In this system you’d still have the +8-10’s (renamed 5 and 6) where the 2k crowd would start the next season.

It also leaves the entry level keys open to new players or people new to M+. The 2-6 bracket (renamed 2-4) and it keeps the high bracket for the people who really like to push.

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I think we should just put it on the table, for everyone to agree on, that the Dragonflight dungeons suck.


The gap is steep between current difficulties but I can’t help but wonder if people are jumping the gun now. As a s3 geared player, I didn’t have an issue with m0 and even timed a +5 last night with ~480 ilvl gear (Blood DK), but are people complaining about difficulty trying to skip the heroic dungeon grind to go earlier than they should in m0 and higher?

i think its fun but yeah. gotta wait it out to gear more

Here comes the tears

…nah, it’s a player issue. I went from one immediate failed +2 because literally the 2 other dps were just standing in bad and getting hit into another +2 where no one died at all because, well, no one got hit by bad things =/ and people seemed to know the mechanics of both bosses and trash.

Add on top that the fact that many of these dungeons have been irrelevant for a long time, there’s a learning curve to deal with too.

I know some players are stepping into 2s and 3s thinking it’s a cakewalk, but when you have pugs who a) do not know the dungeon in m+ and b) were never prepared for old 12s anyway (which were cake), you’re bound to have isssues.

Just wait a few days, you’ll only see +20s in the finder and then the 2-8 range will be fine again.

I think this is normal for the start of a season.