Season 4 was worse than I predicted

You were, sure. You’re probably good. But pugs? No thanks.

That’s the beauty of the scoring system, you won’t ever get the invite in the first place. lol

I was pugging, bricking keys cause of new dungeons. It’s all part of the process.

Eh, people by large aren’t picky on the first week. Invite anyone with a pulse.

I seriously doubt this. lol

It’s what I do if I run my own key that I consider is an impossible to fail state.

I thought you said you were doing 20s? I assumed you meant you were timing 20’s.

And that’s how it works most of the time. People get mad things don’t go the way they want or envision they should and they leave keys. Thus the cycle goes round and round lol.

yes, pugging 20s, timing them sometimes. I think I got 3 20s done week 1 in season 3.

This isn’t a cycle for me. I don’t have an issue with players leaving my groups. I doubt this is as common as people want to pretend that it is.

Most of the time, people mutually agree to go separate ways. And the ones that care about one bricked key, are likely bad.

Go next, cause of some mistake that caused a wipe.

I mean even if you fail it’s easier than ever to climb back up with the key anyway right?

Depends on key level, and I don’t think so if you’re purely pugging. So people use their key until it bricks (if it all) then just join keys of other people. Low demand specs, pretty much have to run their own keys.

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Sure, you couldn’t practice Tides or the other returning dungeons outside of M+. Which is why I ran them on +5-9 to get said practice and avoid mistakes which could be fatal at higher key levels (in addition to grinding Drake crests). With the changes to Heroic and M0 this season, those are the practice difficulties now in lieu of actual low-level keys.

Blizzard really communicated the difficulty changes poorly to the playerbase because everyone is anchored on “Heroic/M0 don’t teach you anything” when they now do.

Heroic teaches absolutely nothing it’s easy as heck atm like a normal. At the start of an expansion before they adjust the mechanics and balance them out maybe it’s tougher tho.

I jumped directly to 17 for throne, and bricked at least 5 keys before timing an 18. (And don’t remember how many groups fell apart.)

Heroic and norm are queuable so they generally are easier, m0 isnt hard though, and is where you should be learning mechanics.

Old m0 didnt do that


Tbh I have no idea what most of the trash even does or why. I just try to kill it fast. I’d have to relearn everything months later as I play other games which gets annoying as my memory isn’t perfect.

And a HUGE part of the problem is these mechanics are far too spread out over numerous difficulties to where you could ignore it on M0 for example but not on a +8 or higher. It’s actually hilarious to me and something I noticed about this game when pushing higher into Torghast. The balance is just pretty whacky.

Just not on this character you’re posting on, right?

Just can’t believe how hard hitting uld 6 is tbh lol tyrannical am I right guys?