For once the pvp weapon enchant actually looked great and now it’s gone from wowhead, does that mean it’s gone from the ptr as well and it might get ruined in good ol’ blizavision style?
Might be receiving adjustments like all the other SL illusions.
What does this even mean
They have a thing for “making changes” to things that are liked by the community, more often than not horrible changes.
I’m just saying the enchant looked pretty good and hopefully it doesn’t get turned into something like unchanined fury or the current one.
You’re free!?
Also what did the enchant look like.
Nah this is a chinese body double, still got more vacation time and revived an old account for a month.
they should redo the season 2 illusion. i don’t get what its supposed to be, a brown stain?
No idea but for once I actually liked the enchant (the s4 one), hopefully it’s just a few bug fixes or something like that.
What did the S4 one look like?
It was basically a giant golden orb, sort of.
there was a new pvp illusion for s4? does anyone have a screencap of it?
Sounds like the S3 one
A recolored demonic or glorious tyranny would be sick.
necrolord banner color wouldve been fun.
They could have represented each cov in each season.
What that thing is barely noticeable and the orb bugs out and shows at the hilt or near it instead of where it should go, at least it’s not unchained fury though. I’m talking about legion levels of glow and stuff, I guess we’ll have to wait and see what the update is about.
actually a good idea lol
yea I’m here all week
Thats way too smart for them
Legion levels of glow? Ouuu.
They could literally do tyranny style power torrent and have unlimited alternating color combinations. Would be CRACKED
It’s still missing.