Season 4 Survival Hunter Tier Set Problems and Feedback, CC from Community Council

At this point just a “we see you we’re looking at this” would be such a welcomed change. They really just act like Survival doesn’t exist.

FYI, Liinxy reached out to me earlier today - The dev team is looking at it now and started reading this thread. Expect a change soon. I would hope before reset, but if it’s not, it’ll be next week.

Thanks everyone.

  • Strut

Persistence pays off. Thanks for the heads-up and for lobbying for us.

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I am really glad they acknowledged this, though it is still infuriating that the frustrations of Survival seem to have taken them entirely by surprise.


Sadly this isn’t true at all mm is only good on primal council in vault and everywhere else it’s bad


The issue is that the promise made when the polls were happening was not followed through, this should’nt have been a reactive issue in the first place. Something in the chain of operations to ensuring the proper steps were followed before release broke down and went unfinished along the way. Players shouldn’t have to be holding blizzard accountable after the fact.


You are correct the player base shouldn’t be responsible for holding blizzard accountable.
I’m a believer that mistakes happen, things always slip through the cracks and so long as there is communication and things are addressed then no harm no foul.

The reality is we all pay our subscription for this game and the class/ spec we have chosen has been largely ignored.
No rework, no fixing our tier set and no communication.
I personally don’t want to play anything else so I guess after 20 years this is my time to bow out of the game.
When the next expansion is released I’ll see if blizzard has given hunters / survival the attention it requires and if not then I won’t purchase it.

There is nothing more I as a gamer can do other than just not pay for it anymore.


This is great news, thank you so much for getting their attention! Hopefully they come up with something soon, not looking forward to another Tyrannical week with all that missing stamina.

However, it is a bit concerning that it seems like we might only be getting fixes because we have Community Council members with Blizzard’s ear advocating for us and getting their attention. As Riokali said it’s pretty concerning that the set in its current state ever made it to live considering the promise we were given. Even a cursory glance at the data by the devs should have reminded them that they severely nerfed the set in S2 to discourage its continued use and they should have at the absolute least undid those nerfs. I don’t think we intentionally got given a broken set, but I do think us and a few other specs somehow just got overlooked when they did their tuning pass. I get that it is likely they are very busy working on TWW, but when tuning is explicitly promised and we receive nothing, what are we supposed to think?

All that said, they could have very easily just ignored all of this and left us to just deal with it or play BM/MM until TWW since S4 is a short throwaway season, so I am appreciative that Blizzard did listen and we are getting fixes after the season launch at all.


No offense, but it’s extremely silly for you to be appreciative of a company you’re paying money to for a service to do the things they said they were going to do. That’s like appreciating Walmart for refunding you money they charged you for plastic bags after they said you can have the plastic bags for free when you make purchases. You shouldn’t be appreciative that they gave you a refund, you should be upset and questioning whether you plan to return since they lied to you in the first place and got held accountable.

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None taken, I honestly probably used the wrong word there. I think relieved would have probably expressed my feelings better, in so much as I am relieved my spec might not be complete trash and they are doing what they were supposed to.

Honestly there’s just a good of a chance their “fix” will be to add +2% more to the numbers and call it good, so I probably shouldn’t be relieved either…

Doubt that will happen. There is so much information in this thread that proves that the numbers are absolutely dumpster fire. I don’t know what the changes will be, I just tried to communicate as much as possible and advocate for a change. We will see what it is when it happens, and I will hope that it isn’t a “+2%” thing like you’re expecting :heart:


Yeah, I am fairly hopeful honestly, Balance got some pretty significant buffs to theirs. I’m really hoping they see the Butchery charge refund mechanic that several people discussed here. That and bringing back free beefy Mongoose Bites would make the set feel really good and be great in all content.

Again, you are the GOAT for taking this up! :green_heart:

We appreciate you :heart:

Any official word on when they might look at our tier set? :eyes:

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This player who mains Survival (Nimze) first off is much better at this game then I am and Survival Hunter. Pretty much says everything I’m thinking and feeling about Season 4 Survival Hunter. Please watch this short Youtube Video he made about the current stat of Survival Hunter.


All I can think of why this is is just sheer plain neglect and/or indifference or incompetence to the specialization or any of the combined from the developers.
I wish I could think or say something positive but nothing comes to mind.

Side note, I made a new thread with this post and forgot about this one about it.
Not sure I can or know how to delete it or have it just transferred it over to this one.

I mean, I can officially tell you that I got contact from Liinxy regarding it and she said it’s being looked into. My word doesn’t mean much, though. Can believe it or not. It was not pushed for this reset, so I’d expect it next reset - unfortunately.

Just copy/paste the URL link over friend, no harm in having more info. Nimze is great.

At this point just change it to give us the S3 bonus again, I find it better for M+ and can still pull decent ST with it.


I agree with this because even with the s4 bonus fixed it will ruin the area damage for a bit
more single damage, s3 is more balanced in both single and aoe

Well ideally they’ll change the aoe aspect to make it better. If they read this thread, people had fantastic, easy to implement ideas to make the aoe part of the set powerful and fun.

As for me I am sitting here staring at the bullion NPC trying to decide if I want to get a Neltharax or hope the fixes come soon and grab a Grieftorch.


Frustrated :slight_smile: Hoping changes come soon so I can dive into S4 properly.