Season 4 Survival Hunter Tier Set Problems and Feedback, CC from Community Council

Marksmanship is actually doing great in both raid and mythic.

I love my jumpy, disengage-harpoon boi…but man, if this isn’t the worst tree / tier set of the lot.

Meanwhile blizzard’s on their third re-work of six other specs that all perform better…

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Thank you for the service as a member of the Hunters on the Community council. Thanks for all the work you do for hunters.

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appreciate it, but still no buff in sight. We keep trying I guess. Pretty tilting.


Yeah that’s exactly why I felt you needed the thanks! We appreciate the effort you put in regardless of the outcome. And when we do get changes it will probably be due to your efforts. So, thankyou!


I never post on the forum, just lurk for time to time, and i wanted to thank you too for what you’re doing, even if it doesn’t work, it’s good to see people trying to make the spec better.

Keep up the good work !

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Agreed, thank you for trying! Even if we get nothing, we’ll know it was because tons of well-constructed feedback got willfully ignored, and not because we just got overlooked. Much appreciated!

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Yeah I appreciate you reaching out and doing your best as well. Super frustrating and feels like there’s just no one with a hand on the wheel for hunter at all. So many issues and so many passionate people from the community suggesting changes, and just radio-silence from blizz.

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I just feel like they should realize Carve/ Butchery missing synergies in the spec tree to make them potent enough


Yeah that and address the throughput nodes that have no affect on gameplay, and are disproportionately high for our class/spec. Additionally, why do we have to spend 2 points to get the ability that literally lets us play our melee class as a melee?


They fix it on one of the hero talent trees but… That’s not Season 4. :slight_smile:

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the hero talents still feel lackluster everything built around CA - I would’ve like one focus on spearhead


Unfortunately, there are a large amount of talents that are lackluster everywhere on hunter. BM still has to put 4 points into direct AoE, MM is a complete mess of mismatched talents that often create unhealthy gaming patterns and survival hasn’t been touched in years. Hunter in general is really really rough when compared to the other specs in the game atm. It’s disheartening.

And as a quick aside, the 3 mage reworks this expansion don’t help the vibe either. (Don’t worry mages i still love you, I’m just frustrated we can’t get the same love).


That’s my take here as well. I’m glad other classes have dedicated people working on them, and have good direction overall; I don’t want to change that. I just want some better direction for my own class as well.

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Im going to try to bite the bullet and make a large post about the base hunter tree and survival tree at some point but it will likely go on deaf ears.

Except some classes don’t need it and here’s why it’s a problem. While balance druids are getting the 5th or 6th rework in 3 expansions, huntters are getting ignored. The way development works is that one developer is given multiple specs/classes, not just a single class. So while that person is working on balance druids that really didn’t need, yet another rework, they’re ignoring another class/spec that might if say that same developer is also assigned to hunters or shamans ect.

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Yeah that’s fair. I just would prefer we had small groups of devs, or even single devs, working on each class, and talking to one another, so that we saw more consistent changes/balance to everyone. That’s a lot to ask though.

That becomes expensive both in time and money. The larger the group of developers the more that costs, but also the more time each discussion would take. When you have 20ish dps specs represented by 10+ developers those discussions are going to take much longer than if it’s 5 developers or 3 developers.

I don’t think money should even be a concern for a company that’s the size of Blizzard with how many active subs are paying monthly for a live service. Even without a dedicated developer coming up with new ideas, there are plenty of original ideas here/EU forums and even tree mockups, or they can continue to reuse old legion artifacts/previous legendaries already in the game.


Except you know, the Blue post telling us all bonuses would be tuned to be adequate for season 4.

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the complete lack of attention by blizzard is disappointing they won’t even rectify the smallest problems like having a functioning and useable tier set but will fix other classes tier sets no problems.
They won’t even communicate just radio silence.

GG blizz I’m out.