Season 4 Survival Hunter Tier Set Problems and Feedback, CC from Community Council

I’d kind of just like to see it made more versatile.

Buff Carve and Butchery hugely while bringing down WFB’s over-time damage faintly. Amp the single-target capacity to where it needs to go with Butchery getting that same modifier. Then, change the 4-piece to, say, something like…

Your special attacks have a chance to make your next otherwise unusable cast of Carve/Butchery or Raptor/Mongoose ignore its cooldown, incur neither its Focus cost nor cooldown, and deal an extra 50% damage. Stacks up to 2 times. If this effect would replace itself at 2 stacks, it is instead used automatically.

Why can’t we even get a response from blizzard if they even plan to tune the S4 set……
We pay a subscription to this game all we asking is the minimum of a working tier set, so disappointed.


Once again bumping this thread because what are we waiting for all 3 weeks of raid data? Our s3 set performs better in literally every single piece of content right now, M+, Raid, aoe/st i’m sitting on 10 ilvl of gear not using it because its BAD

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I reached out to Linxy now ontop of Kaivax, as well as sent Dratnos’ video to a couple of content creators for sight/clarity. Really hope something changes this reset… I’m pretty irritated at this point myself :dracthyr_tea: :frowning:

Sorry friends, I’m trying my best to do what I can to get eyes on this. Really sucks knowing not only Boomkin/Survival, but also Blood DK, Fury Warrior, and maybe a couple of other specs in the game are just not getting any assistance in the matter.

Will update y’all if I get more info.


  • Strut

Whoever voted for this set bonus should stop playing hunter. I did way more AOE in mythic plus with s3 and more on ST with s3. This set bonus is awful.

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I’ve been replying to a CM who released the recent hotfixes a few times a day but have not gained traction.

Really not their fault. Blizzard promised balancing. They broke that promise. You can maybe be upset with them for believing a company that is this broken now days, but they did specifically promise to tune.

I think the real question we need to be asking is how long are life long hunters like myself willing to continue giving our money to Blizzard? I’m not a quit kind of guy but I’ll be 100. With the state of hunter in WW and what they have done to the spec I play I’m not far from calling it quits. I know no one cares when people threaten to leave the game but damn, the only voice I have is my 15 a month.


No, honestly I’m finding myself over geared and being refused into runs.

Actually classic WoW pug brain. Public perception of a spec is all that matters; I remember getting denied parties in shadowlands on SV when the spec was good, because some content creator talked bad about the spec.

Easy fix. Pug as BM or MM. Switch right before the key/raid starts. I do it all the time.

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I used to do that as well. I also play a goblin and used to stand in other character models so they wouldn’t click on me and see that I was sv lol.

I’m a gnome, I do the same thing. Sad we have to but hey, it is what it is. :slight_smile:

Has there been any word from blizz at all about the Survival set? Or the Balance set for that matter?

none at all :slight_smile:

Really appreciate you trying this hard for us!

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This seems like the best option for hunter players. SV is unplayable in S4.


Love seeing the tuning post and seeing fury and balance get tier buffs while SV hunter is forgotten. Like always… Blizzard wtf are you doing?


Balance yes. Fury yes. Survival no. The idea they can fix those sets and we get dead space levels of silence says it all.


They should add a reset mechanic to it in my PoV. Another way would be to make it during CA more potent in terms of refresh rate.

Highly support this - I can see that every moongoose bite reduces the cooldown of butchery - I also would like to see make a comeback into the 4-Set.

I feel like the direction they head in TWW clearly shows they want to have Spearhead a very situational option (no Hero Talent supports it). To get back to this I def. see here a need for change.


If the Mythic dungeon weekly really does give 2 boullions like on PTR, I’m seriously considering grabbing a Neltharax, as I will have a full Hero/Myth S4 set this week. I was waiting until tuning to see if they were actually going to be doing anything about this. Unless they are actually planning fixes that require more than simple tuning like the Butchery charge refund being talked about here (which is a great idea), I feel like we might just be getting ignored again.