Season 4 Survival Hunter Tier Set Problems and Feedback, CC from Community Council

It’s literally worse than the set it’s supposed to replace.
it takes 515-520 ilvl to match 489 in ST, and in AE it doesnt even come close to matching it at any ilvl. it’s 100% useless in mythic.

foolish comment is foolish.

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Any news lol

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I don’t have like an in with blizzard devs or employees, I’m just on the council. Just means I get colorful text, and an echo chamber discord with other council members.
Nothing on wowhead/blizzard blue post for reset yet. Can only hope. :melting_face: Boy do I love going down 10 ilvl because it just performs worse

Servers up. No fix. Wanted to play surv for the full expansion but I do not want to hinder my groups with lower stats and worse survivability. Guess is MM and BM for the season.


Cant play DK because legendary never dropped.
Cant play hunter because the tier set is borked.
Looks like it’s gonna be a DH season.

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Sorry, lost track of this thread before I replied.

Yes, that sounds fine to me. I’d love to see its CD dropped from 6 GCDs’ length to 5. That would not degrade gameplay in any way despite shoring up some of its issues in sustained AoE.

  • Any more than that, or even a charge-refunding mechanism… I wouldn’t be so sure about.

As an aside, Carve also needs a rehaul. If its individual damage is to be so low and its Focus cost so high, it honestly may as well have a CD of just 2 GCDs’ length, down from 4.

  • I’d split the difference and say it should be 3 GCDs’ length (as that seems a better point for damage per action, once appropriately tuned), but apparently having decimal values on a CD pre-Haste is untenable, even if literally any amount of Haste would do the same, many CD-reducing talents cause the same, and there are already multiple skills that start at decimal-value GCDs (see Fracture, for instance, or BM’s Kill Command).

Pulled the trigger on the bow yesterday and already got back to the mind-numbing 2.5 button rotation of BM. Good thing the season’s pretty much over in a week anyway when Parndaland Remix drops. If I do put any effort into pushing, BM will sadly be stronger with a bursty CD and just more stamina from S4 set. Vers should be too much of a dead stat by now too.


I did as well. Playing MM for the season now

It’s also still bugged and will not occur during Aspect of the eagle.

our burst profile is completely gone. it is a very sad time to be a survival hunter. even with tuning, the s1 set is just outdated. s3 feels like something that should be built into survival plainly. i have been spoiled by the (honestly awesome) balance for so long. sad sad times.

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I feel like the S3 puts a bit too much emphasis on FotE for me to want it baseline, myself. I like FotE, but I don’t want to detract from its own individual power to the degree that balancing it without gating it behind a bunch of bloat-nodes would require.

That said, I’d gladly, for example, replace Improved Wildfire Bomb instead with a 50|100% chance of an oGCD/auto-thrown WFB at the start of each CD (FotE, CA, SH), and a further one at the end of Spearhead and CA, and Tactical Advantage.

That’d obviously be overtuned per point, but given appropriate tuning, just… anything offering a bit of gameplay exchange and interaction with SV’s more interesting bits (e.g., WFI) would be nice to see.

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Can’t wait for Pandaland so I can be done with this season. It’s actually so disheartening to know that I’m roughly as strong as I’ll be for the season with last season’s gear.

Fun anecdote, I was in a LFR Aberrus run this week and ran into another Surv hunter running full heroic tier. They were pulling less DPS than me when I was still running last season’s tier and I was like, “what is this guy doing wrong?”

Turns out, what they were doing wrong is putting on the new set.

Season 4 Tier is Pretty Bad (For Some Specs)
The community is catching on and there is more visibility on these underwhelming Season 4 sets for several specs. Why do specs such as Blood DK, Balance Druid, and Survival Hunter get lackluster adjustments to their Season 4 sets, while other specs such as Devastation Evoker and Arms Warrior get proper tuning?

Please keep in mind that we’re going to update the power of the set bonuses to match the increased power of the new gear in Season 4, so any bonuses you choose will be tuned to be as strong as any others.

Where is this? Why is the Survival set 6% weaker on single target and 10% weaker on aoe fights/m+? What is the point of allowing us to vote for our favorite set, promising tuning, and then NOT tuning these sets? Every single voter feels misled.

For single target, either the 2pc needs to be increased OR the 4pc needs to grant FREE/more damage increase on the proc (or a combination of both of these).

For AoE, the 4pc procs need to buff Butchery by an INSANE amount (almost 500%!) for it to even equal the S3 set. It cannot be stressed how much this tier set is underperforming for AoE. The normal mode season 3 set (at ilvl 483) is still better than a full 528 (fully upgraded mythic) s4 set in AoE.

Even in raid encounters, the moment there is more than a single target, the OLD tier set is significantly better.


Yes. Most Valuable Post.

I don’t understand how anyone thought going back to the S1 set was a good thing. S3 brought a great rotation with tons of fluidity. The free bombs from FotE are sorely missed & almost feel like they should be baked in as a part of the rotation. I am now just running out of Butchery charges on AoE pulls so I am stuck doing ST dps/out of energy and waiting for everything to recharge.

This is extremely unfun. I swapped between the tiers on different M+ runs and the S3 tier felt WAY better.


Yeah this is kinda where I’m at too. I understand people enjoying the spearhead rotation for single target, especially for PvP, where it’s just superior iirc, but subjectively, S3 rotation is how SV should function baseline (in my opinion). I’m personally a fan of the bomber playstyle, so it just really clicked with me.


People are just too worried about the numbers. This is not about the numbers but, fundamentally how the spec plays out. Melee Survival to me always has felt like a fast paced bombing hunter that also has to weave in Mongoose Bite stacks (that is the challenge!).

Getting the free bomb from FotE & the damage increase after the ability is finished casting just improves the overall gameplay of the spec and makes it relevant in ALL forms of content. Plus, our ST was still very strong last season. I never had to swap my spec for anything & just used the same spec in raid and M+ content. Way more enjoyable than swapping between specs on every boss & being completely gimped in either ST or AoE. As a spec, we were completely spoiled last season and had it pretty good overall.

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The numbers matter because it is the only objective comparison for performance. If you prefer a certain playstyle, such as S3, that is completely fine and I understand why. The S3 set can be incredibly fun in AoE.

However, the focus here is on the power level of the Season 4 set, which will remain the S1 tier set. Numbers display just how powerful (or in this case, just how weak) tier is.

Making something baseline/baked into the spec is good feedback for future spec design, such as Alpha/Beta feedback for TWW, but does nothing for the state of our tier set in S4, which needs immediate attention.


I’m just here to boost this thread.

It’s crap compared to season 3, and we voted for it because they promised the numbers would be adjusted…and they’re not.

Blizz, you gotta do something to bring this in-line. I can’t keep running sims that are telling me to not even bother removing my season 3 equipped set.


Please revise the 4set bonus, im unable to equip so many ilvl upgrades due to the s4 4set being so undertuned and it feels awful.

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