Season 4 Survival Hunter Tier Set Problems and Feedback, CC from Community Council

I think this is a bit dishonest as you can say every single spec received a “rework” then. Despite SV main gameplay loop and signature abilities not changing since 2018 :stuck_out_tongue:

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…? We literally lost caltrops/trap/nessingwary gameplay loop, and Fury of the Eagle was removed for 6 years. Raptor and Mongoose Bite we’re also split from one another eventually, having to talent into Monogoose.

Coordinated Assault used to just get a 20% damage increase rather than having a rotational priority during its window because of key empowerment. That is a rework, just like Assasin has Deathmark now instead.

I don’t want to continue this conversation as it’s just flooding the forum; no offense - glad we’re getting eyes on this thread though, I just would like some adjustment (less so for the tier buff, more so for the spec)

Caltrops were gone in BfA

Also gone in BfA, replaced by WFB

this was also a legendary in shadowlands because nobody liked it

this was gone in BfA

That’s fine, but we don’t need to lie about quantities of reworks because that doesn’t benefit anyone. :+1:

It was reworked from ranged to melee in Legion and the legion gameplay loop was reworked moving into BfA where it has remained effectively the same since. You build focus with KC, spend with MB, and use WFB on cd


Does Bliz actually respond to CC forums? This needs to be fixed. I voted for s3 but was not upset for season 1 as they said they would tweak it, which obviously did not happen when s3 is better on anything aoe.

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To be fair to those that voted, Blizzard also said they’d balance the bonuses. Not just implement them as-is, which is instead, what they did.


This is not a further change made “since” Legion. That was how Legion began.

Which Non already noted in what you just quoted. But that’s one. Not three. One.

SV was, in effect, reworked in WotLK in changing its identity from scout / tactician to munitions, in Legion, and in BfA.

There has only been one further rework since Legion, which was BfA.

By that warrant MM and BM were also “reworked” with DF. And then BM was reworked again afterwards while SV hasn’t been.

Have whatever opinions you like about the spec, but… don’t give a false history.

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Hey Blizz, as of now our S3 set bonus does more damage in m+ and any non single target scenario despite the huge ilvl disparity between it and current season gear.

We voted for the playstyle we preferred granted by the S1 set bonus, based on you stating that tuning would be done to make the set bonus equal in performance.

Throughout the entirety of the PTR and this current week nothing has been done to address this and we’ve been had no notice, no feedback, nothing from your end to indicate that this might even be a possibility.

I know its a bit of a meme season but good grief at least let us enjoy it.


For me 489 s3 no cd build is still simming higher single target than the pieces of s4 i have aquired (1M 2H 1N pieces) with proper talent changes. Imagine getting a new tier set focused for single target, +20 something ilvls and have the old more aoe focused set still doing more single target dps. Beyond that we’d absolutely never think of putting on s4 set for m+ or anything aoe.

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The season 4 survival set is incredibly lackluster from a numbers perspective in both single-target AND AoE.

In the original vote for tier sets, the blue post announcement stated the following:

Please keep in mind that we’re going to update the power of the set bonuses to match the increased power of the new gear in Season 4, so any bonuses you choose will be tuned to be as strong as any others.

Currently, at equal item levels, the 489 S3 set is beating the 489 S4 set by about 6%. It is a 6% dps loss to wear the new set at the same item level; this was not “tuned to be as strong as any others”. It is very weak. The new tier set does not become an increase in single target until you have fully-upgraded heroic tier, which is ONLY a 0.8% increase.

Not even a 1% increase for S4 521 tier versus 489 S3 tier.

From an AoE perspective, it’s even worse. Running dungeon sims to compare the S3 vs S4 set, the new S4 set at 528 (the max item level) is roughly 10% behind the 489 S3 set.

The set leaves a lot to desire in both ST and especially AoE. One potential solution to bring it up to par with the S4 set:

  • Buff the 2pc passive damage gain to Mongoose Bite/Raptor Strike/Butchery/Carve

  • Make the 4pc procs include a free Mongoose Bite/Raptor Strike/Butchery/Carve, like the original S1 set provided (NOT reduced focus cost)

  • Make the 4pc proc increase Butchery damage by an amount MUCH larger than 50%. Butchery is roughly 4% of our damage in keys. Only sometimes buffing it by 50% is such a small amount of damage. For this tier set to compete in AoE, Butchery needs a MUCH larger number attached to it.

As things stand, this set is incredibly weak and the tuning/balancing to the tier set was never delivered.


Community council hunter representative ladies and gents… :man_facepalming:

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@Leaku, I reached out to Kaivax, hopefully when they’re back in office on Monday a tuning pass will appear on reset day.

i mostly do arena on my hunter so i’m happy :slight_smile:

There’s too much copium huffing on the “But blizzard said they’d balance the tier sets”.

Yes they did, and they did exactly that.

A strong Single Target tier set, with a small AoE boost, is balanced around the fact that it’s stronger in one aspect than the other.

Should’ve seen the writing on the walls for what it was for during the initial vote.

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No, there is nothing balanced around the “strong single-target tier set” being worse in single target and DRASTICALLY worse in AoE.

It is not balanced at all; it is WORSE in single target by 6% at equal item levels. That is significantly weaker.

Other specs, such as Devastation and Arms, received proper tuning to the old sets that were voted for. Balance and Survival did not.

It’s ridiculous that people are making statements like this. You should expect Blizzard to do what they say they will. If Blizzard says they will make sets equal, but they fail to do so, this isn’t the player’s fault. It’s Blizzard.


I do wish they’d have just given everyone an option to choose their set, no voting.

People said at the time of voting, for Survival, it wasn’t a good a idea to go with S1. That was just naïve hope. Blizz showed a clear dislike during that season of Survival being good in single target and nerfed both Mongoose Bite and the tier set. Someone at Blizz I would guess was quite upset Survival was good and flew into a rage when they saw that ( only partly joking ), going off other specs that got to stay at the top for a season not getting nerfed. But Survival, we were “overpeforming.”

So it was known with a little knowledge of recent history and behavior, they weren’t going to restore the S1 set as it was. In the end the voting system to me is not a good idea. People were naïve, Blizz lied.

Blizz should have been upfront and honest and said they were not going to restore that set to what it was. People also should not have voted without asking and getting a clear and well defined answer to that. So there were errors both ways.

I’d prefer next fated season just let each person choose their set, no voting. Make em all available and choose what you, individually, want. If not, in a couple years most people will forget this situation and not ask if they’re going to restore the tier set as was, and who knows if Blizz will be more upfront. Right now the answer is they will not be, but that could / should change.

Personally, outside knowing that S1 wasn’t going to get restored like they hoped, I would have preferred to have S3 myself anyway just b/c of the three sets that’s the one I liked the most from both being decent at both raid and plus, and I enjoyed the gameplay there more than S1 and S2. I’m not a Spearhead fan myself, though others are and that’s valid.

If we got to just choose which set we wanted individually, then all could get the set they preferred. Those who love Spearhead could play that, though they’d have gotten screwed sadly, but those who liked S3 could also play that. More choice is better than less.

Yes, I’m aware Blizz would have a little more work balancing those sets. But as a paying customer, I am screwed by the vote that took place both from the fact they didn’t restore the set, and the fact I didn’t really enjoy that set focusing on Spearhead to begin with and will be forced to use it a second time around - but only in raids and only if it’s fully heroic upgraded or better.

Others didn’t enjoy the S3 set and greatly love Spearhead, so they could play that. Win / win from the customer’s perspective


Umm its simming worse on ST as well mate

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If people were not okay with the teir set effect as is, they shouldn’t have voted for it. It’s on players for being ignorant about warnings to be skeptical of Blizzard actually tuning these sets that we’re now stuck with and is terrible in m+. Anyone playing this game for a few years should know better by now, especially if they go out of their way to be vocal and actively influence others about their vote.

Rumors are floating around that the set will get tuning this week. We’ll see how much of that copium but knowing Blizzard, they’ll take another week or two at least to ‘gather data’ (as if sims are unreliable) as not enough people have S4 4p yet. Maybe all the forum complaining can result in an earlier change but I’m rightfully skeptical of Blizzard.


It is NOT on the players for blizzard not doing what they said they would do lol. I swear the “enlightened cynics” are such an exhausting group to talk to. If you smugly chuckle to yourself for people believing blizzard would do the tuning they said they would, why would you vote at all? your own logic concludes that blizzard wouldn’t even pick the tier set that won because “anyone playing this game for a few years should know better”


I just simmed the three mythic pieces and one heroic piece I was lucky enough to acquire this week. If I cata them all, max them all out, and remove my S3 tier. I lose 7000 single target dps. I really hope I’m making a mistake of some sort but I don’t think that I am.

Anyone want to check my work?

EDIT: It’s actually 12000.

Sounds like you’re doing something very wrong if ur losing 12k dps on that.