Season 4 Sucks

S4 is pretty boring for sure, no seasonal affix and a pretty boring dungeon pool. Same raids with nothing new going on, at least SL had affixes in the raids. At least remix was fun while it lasted.

The counter-point to this is Naxx/ICC in Wrath Classic. Naxx was bad, ICC was mid, gearing took a long time, and to hear the forums tell it, wrath was single-handedly propping up the game.

Hello kitty joint? I LOVE HELLO KITTY!

Where do I sign up?

Not sure what you’re even trying to say.

The 40 mans were fun because it was 40 people goofing off.

The way people derive fun in this game now is by doing psycho stuff that only 5% of anyone is even fathoming, for example: speed running and world firsts.

This game is absolutely dead for new players, I’m sorry. New players don’t give 2 wooden nickles about world first or any of that dumb sweat crap. It’s like WoW exists to cater to sweats and nothing else.

Not sure why you’re bringing up 40, naxx was 10/25.

So you like don’t know about the existence of 40 man Naxx or? Eh, nevermind, just go on my ignore list, like I can’t bro., it’s just ridiculous at this point.

Naxx 40 also applies to what I’m talking about here, but I was specifically talking about Wrath the entire time.

Not sure why you didn’t pick up on that.

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the exaggerations in this post are remarkable