Season 4 Sucks

All Season 3 gear can no longer be upgraded - but Season 1 and 2 gear can? What gives?

The only way to get gear now is the Dungeon slot machine, since Raid “item level requirements” have been boosted. Or, do Dreamsurge Coalesecence, which realiably drops, the exact same item you literally grinded 100 Dreamsurge for and already bought.

At this point, it’s like the players are just outright be trolled and attacked.
What kind of game does this? It’s a “Screw you - player! for…uh…uh…playing our game! REEEE!”

No one asked for this.

Gee, so sorry I’m not a whale with plethora hours of time to waste playing this game like it’s a second job.

Apparently, the concept of “value proposition” has eluded the Blizz dev team.
If I pay to play…shouldn’t I be rewarded for playing?

Why suffer getting bamboozled instead?

I’m not gonna buy “The War Within” unless they make Season 4 DF worthwhile , worth my time, and I also see that translates into TWW.

inb4 can I have your gold
Nope, I will put all my cache of gold on one toon and then delete that toon

Oh, and all that “Awakened Dungeons” is another bamboozle. Everyone kept wiping. Haven’t seen any group complete it. Rather, I saw them already wipe bunch of times. Then with nearly 30% boost for past fails, literally they all got “one shotted” and were screaming about it in the ‘raid’ chat.

Smells like another Season 4 crapstorm fail to me.

But we should buy “The War Within” to continue “enjoying” the game?
Thanks Season 4, for convincing me not to. Been playing almost 20years, I’m seriously feeling too screwed with and dis’d to bother. Smells like some pro-Microsoft strategy to me.

Metzen: “The time to return is now!”
Me: “lol why? (see above)”

Season 4 is literally a big “screw you player”. So if you put that out, don’t be surprised players bow out. You’re not charging higher tiers for fake “premium players” so sounds like train wreck financial miscalc to me.


Sounds like a waste of 20 years if you still can’t complete trivial content.

Can I have your gold?


For my take, I really like how gearing is done this season. Higher crest caps, catalyst charge per week, the awakened gear.


This isn’t Steam, you can’t earn Clown points, fren.


3 Different raids to get gear from
3 different raids to buy gear from
Weeklies offering adequate gear
m0s actually dropping worthwhile stuff
crafted items still on the table

Sorry that the people who used to carry you are playing Remix currently. See you in TWW


lol right

OP, I have no idea what you’re talking about, you may as well be describing a completely different game than the one I’m playing

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Then you’re not gonna buy it. S4 is business as usual for Retail only players: a pre expansion lull. Now it’s just wrapped up in a Fated season. Not worth giving it any more attention than you gave any other season. Probs more worth to give it less.

You can’t get gear from raids if your item level isn’t even high enough to join the raid for.
You can’t get gear from raids, if you do the raid and it never drops (killed Fyrakk multiple times, never got anything, ever. Weird huh?)
You can’t get good gear if the weeklies offer weaker gear, or useless gear, (i.e. Assassination Rogue but weekly is a mace lmao) than what you already have
Can’t get into m0 after spending hours trying to join one and almost no one is starting one
Can’t get crafted items if on a server where a Level 450-ish item sells for 20K-40Kg minimum (I calculated, I’d have to buy 2.7million gold or apprix. 10-11 WoW tokens = $200+ to fully equip a toon, minimally, with Season 4 gear *prices subject to change (increase)

So, maybe actually play the game and break out a calculator and do the math before you shill-post.

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I agree that season 4 sucks

but are you actually trying to claim that it’s difficult to gear in it? because… lol


Sounds like it’s you that can’t play the game, based on your tantrum post🤣

I hear that Hello Kitty joint is pretty good for people of your abilities!

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Well reading that was a wild ride.

Might go lay down now, brain hurty.


I just got a shadow priest to 70 [three?] weeks back, and she’s ilevel 500 as of last night.

I think our experiences are very different.

"I agree that season 4 sucks

but are you actually trying to claim that it’s difficult to gear in it? because… lol"

Because what? Why can’t you finish that sentence?
If you can…please enlighten. If you can.

Gearing is the easiest it has ever been, is what they mean.


It’s easier? How? Did Blizz leave something out in the patch notes?

Please explain for us.

  1. calm down
  2. gearing is easy. Gear in s4 has practically jumped out of the nether and wrapped itself around our bodies.

do the world events based on the weekly, for each one of them you’re going ot get a ~480 piece. do m0 and note you have to actually do the dungeons, they’re tough now. If every m0 you are in fails, consider your own gameplay. If you can’t find groups or get invited to groups, start your own.

consider joining a guild/community/discord - I recommend WoW Made Easy to facilitate group building. but ps, leave the attitude behind they are a pretty positive bunch.

you can be decently geared in a couple days or so if you stop raging on the forums and just go play the game.



Bullion, every two weeks you get a piece of BiS gear from the raid.
Vault, once a week you can get a piece of gear higher than what you normally would, two gem sockets, or 45 wyrm crests (enough for 415 crafted gear).
Week one Catalyst with one charge gained per week.
Champion gear piece every week from the weekly.


Can I introduce you to mobile gaming? I think you’d like that better.

You’re clearly lacking a lot of fundamental knowledge of this patch


good point to this. guy needs to run mad LFRs until he gets all his bullions caught up. he should be able to buy 3 BIS pieces fairly quickly.

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