Season 4 Sucks

I remember raiding for months for some of this stuff. Now I can have everything I actually want in 4-6 weeks. It’s an insane, end-of-expansion, toys-for-everyone rush.

Brakkarion, I appreciate the info but this advise is out-dated.
I know about the Great Vault, its drops 1 barely useful, 50% useless item a week. A WEEK. When toons have over a dozen slots. Imagine my alts. But more importantly “enough for 415 crated year”? That’s Season 3, at best, gear. It’s out-dated. I need Season 4 gear. We’re talking Item Level 454 or higher. I already have extremely high level Season 3 gear.

I remember having to wait for a Broodkeeper or Eranog ring, things that were rare drops that everyone wanted. This season? Just buy 'em GG.


No one is this slow.

This is a troll, right?


sorry dude, but 415515 gear is wyrm crest gear. it’s nothing to sneeze at.

you coming in expecting 425 525 gear right off the bat or something? get real.

oops my numbers are wrong

it’s 515 / 525

same with brakkion, he just had the wrong number.

My mistake, a typo. 515* crafted gear.

Where would you “buy” “BIS” gear with “bullion”?
Don’t you have to be in an LFR that actually finishes first? and be awarded that, before you even can do anything with it? wherever that is (checks notes—location not mentioned. Huh.)

This should be carved in a plaque on the top banner of the forums.


Dreamsurge can give you 454 gear in every slot except trinkets and one ring. Dreamsurge also gives one 467 item per week in a chosen slot (not trinket), time rift does the same. Three events empowered every week in addition to Last Hurrah reward. World quests sometimes give decent options. I got my warlock from season 1 gear to raid ready in only a couple hours through events, spending 800 dust I had stored up, and 3000 gold for a trinket off the auction house.

Do you normally try to act like you know how things work when you obviously have no idea how things work?


You get them just by killing any raid boss that is marked as awakened. You can get them from your first kill in LFR. It isn’t a completion reward in retail.


at the dragons in the other inn. bronze enclave I believe. I’m not in-game atm to go look at the name.

and yes, you have to be in an LFR that “actually finishes” (if by finish you mean kills a boss) guess you’d better start queueing.


Or join a guild/community, make friends, and play with them. Makes everything in WoW a lot easier and fun.


LMAO yeah, I truly don’t understand raging on the forums about gearing when you don’t even know how to get bullion, or where to spend it.


Have you gotten the bronze bullion currency? I think it’s up to 7 this week - 5 if you weren’t able to complete the Mythic dungeon weekly quest two weeks back. That’s a very nice way to round out critical pieces that aren’t dropping for you.

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You can just ask for advice next time you feel stuck. You have a lot of nice helpful people in this thread right now.

WoW’s a big game. It’s impossible to know everything. Most of the knowledge needs to be eased into.


Props to other people who offer actual advice to posters like this.

Personally, when I read such childish anger, ignorance, an obvious component of skill issues, comments about how bad the game is (“crapstorm”), and a threat to unsubscribe, I have no motivation to offer any assistance.

Personally I just like throwing more fuel on the fire. If this individual can’t act like a rational human being, I have zero motivation to treat them like one.

Good thing there are people far far better than me here :smiley:


What? Season 4 gear can be upgraded, not 1, 2 or 3.

This is how seasons work and have worked for years now.

Raid can be done at normal around ~480 which can be gotten by world events that can be soloed.

looks at my mount from completing all 3 Awoken raids on Normal

Huh . . . sounds like a you problem

Can I have your g-

Oh okay.

What gets me is the “what do I do with bullion” post(s). The tooltip on the bullion even says where to go.