Season 4 making me want to quit healing

And I been a Resto Druid since 2010

It’s too much work, reminds me of original Cataclysm Heroics


Lol beginning of Cata was terrible I was a restore druid wth ICC heroic gear. Every dungeon have mechanica that would wipe the group of people don’t do it and enrage timer was brutal


I’ve also done 5 keys so far and have 0 loot from it lol


healing is pointless without possibility of death. And you can do easier content if you want that to be the case.

Why does ilvl matter to people?


I mean, I found druid healing to not be enough to compete with other healers – especially given it’s over-time.

Personally I think adding in a very small degree of damage-absorption to their heals after X time has passed on the HoTs, would be beneficial to giving them some edge.

Most top keys now are by resto druids.


I meant mostly in raids.
Dungeons I found to be rather fine majority of the time.

However, I’ve yet to try out season 4 on my druid in healing – So I can’t say much there.

There are Resto Druids clearing 16s already.



I honestly believe it was a mistake to jump it 10 levels. It’s always been 5ish/almost 6 levels every season before hand. Of course this doesn’t effect the keyrunners who had max gear from season 3. But for everyone else it’s a bit much. I can survive as a tank just fine but when DPS are dropping like flies halfway through the pull it’s not a fun time.

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What does top end players playing restro have to do with the rest of the 90% of the player base?



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OP is a Resto Druid complaining about healing. Clearly the issue isn’t with the class they play lol.

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People are failing to adjust accordingly.
They read the changes.
They claim to understand the changes.
They just fail to properly adjust to said changes


the difficulty is about what i expected.
we’re hitting a gear wall at about +11 because our healer was a day late and is still <490
9s and 10s are doable early

I mean to be fair, i’d never step into a +12 at the start of a season…ever. I’d start at like a +6 week 1.

I did manage to do all on a +2 in time(did 8/8 all in 1 day lol), I guess I just need “gear” to eventually get to a +5 or whatever I need for KSM.

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You’re already ahead of the curve. You’re technically doing about 11-12 range right now at the beginning of the season with the 2’s you’ve run.

Just finished a 7 BH that was smooth as butter. Tomorrow night I’ll try out the 9 HoI and see how that goes.

Is KSM still 2k? I’ve seen people with that already this week. I’m sitting at 16 right now with a 2 failed dungeons (over time). Gonna hit up the raids and see if i can get that Bullion and a couple tier pieces, and see about ending up with 4 pc next week already.

Resto Druid and Disc Priest in particular have it harder because they need to know the encounters and damage patterns to perform the best. Every since one of them I’ve Pugged with has had major difficulty with the healing checks, especially with this week being Tyrannical.

KSM, in one week, is all timed +6s (with the new difficulty scale) unless they changed the formula, otherwise it’s all timed +3 for both weeks, which will become very easy next week when people will start getting new 4p sets.

The they should start avoiding puddles. I get that some damage is unavoidable but from healing on my Druid and holy priest I have seen more players than I expected just eating damage and expect to be healed through.

Except you can’t heal through a one shot. I have the sneaking suspicion these players were used to “lol it’s only a +4,” and now that they’re running a 4 that is a 14 they’re out of their league

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Darn, am I low ilvl now? What a scam!

I did like 9 dungeons these past 3 days, got up to 487 ilvl and thought that was a lot lol


i saw some people nearing 505-510 like, a day or 2 into the season lol

she can heal through pretty much everything but a lot of hits just deal her entire health bar