Season 4 making me want to quit healing

Lol, I can relate to that!

510 already? Holy moly, bless them

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mostly raiders that got their tier

meanwhile us peasants without such luck have a bunch of nice and catalyst-able gear rotting in their bags because we cant break set

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Peasant party :slight_smile:

That’s actually a relief, it didn’t occur to me that people are being one shot because their health is like 60% of what it will be later. I might just wait a few weeks then healing will be fun again. I had the same frustration with healing last patch, mostly at the start, and it (mostly) resolved so I hope this patch it will too!


Yeah, playing in highly coordinated groups that play to Resto’s strengths and don’t take avoidable damage.

Resto is one of those specs that’s strong in high end content but more painful to play with unskilled PuGs.

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Yeah, I timed an 8 and I am pretty comfortable stopping around there until I replace all my gear from last season. Hopefully my vault has tier so I can have 4pc on Tuesday.

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Does anyone know this season what is the best M+ pug spec in the game? I prefer to pug because of my weird work schedule. Is it VDH still? Ideally it would be something that I can enjoy regardless of the group’s performance, and healer or tank because getting groups going as DPS seems to take too long.

probably, it does a lot of damage and has good survivability + mob control

prot pal utility is good but they arent as tanky ime

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Do you have to kite a lot as VDH or is it mostly standing there and cc’ing now?

except for mobs that are meant to be/often kited most dhs ive run with can take the hits without needing to kite

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That is awesome. As a healer my experience of the tank’s is that good VDH don’t seem to need my help ever, same with BDK, but even good prot pal needs a ton of healing. However bad VDH are miles easier to heal than bad BDK and slightly easier to heal than bad prot pal. Is that about right this season too? Is there some statistical analysis on the unmitigated DTPS (damage taken per second) to HPS deficit in dungeons somewhere? And, can VDH basically solo the crowd control for the group, and if so, does that cut into the damage a lot?

Semi-unrelated question about VDH: There is soul bomb and some other one I think it’s soul strike, do I just use soul bomb on aoe and soul strike on single target?

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oh you cant save a bad bdk
otherwise yeah, bad vdh are generally easier though they can kind of go splat as well

i wouldnt say solo but they shift a lot of the burden from the group to the tank. you can pull off larger/riskier pulls because the tank alone has so many tools to lock down mobs.

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One shots honestly make healing easier for me.
“Why did I die?”

“Because you failed the mechanic”


Basically. Use immo aura off cooldown and keep sigil of flame active on the target(s). Between sigil and aura and one fracture you should have five soul shards so you drop elysian decree and spirit bomb before it goes off, then spirit bomb again immediately after. Use fel dev when you’re grouping to get aggro on everything or whenever you need a smol meta. If you’re capping on fury but don’t have souls, dump it with soul cleave. You also get a ton of fragility out this way.

Single target you max your fury then just dump it all with soul cleave.

Keep Brand on cooldown and try to maximize your fire damage while it’s active to get the most out of the debuff.

Bear is also looking really nice this season. Not as good as season 2 but it may very well take the #2 spot from paladins.

Like Capri said, not all but quite a lot. And it doesn’t really affect your damage because you’re only using one gcd to drop one sigil to lock down a whole group. VDH is also really strong right now because their DPS and their mitigation is essentially the same thing. The vast majority of your abilities damage and provide damage reduction, so you don’t really have to choose between doing one or the other.

It’s super broken lol.

It was only in Timewalking but I was levelling my resto shaman and got dumped into a group where the healer had just left so I was at the very start and they were clearing trash to the naga lady in Eye. BDK died on a trash pull with full runic power. I’d never seen anything like it before.


The thing with Cata Heroics was that the insta kill mechanics were very obviously the dead person’s fault the vast majority of the time. Cata is when I picked up healing and idk I never felt like it was particularly rough because the failures were on other people, not the healer.

It feels much more healer-centered now.

Rofl i had a healer super struggle in my 0 NO

Im a blood dk so youre not healing me and his bar at 90% with all coolies up.

Idk why ppl were dying. Although some mechanics almost one shot me.

Absolutely not. Everything that made them good in S2 got nerfed. AugVoker. Nerfed. Holy Paladins. Nerfed. Physical damage dungeon pool, gone. We even lost our best tier set (S3) and got stuck with S2.

Wonder if we healed the same BDK. I healed one on Maw of Souls Timewalking that didnt use Death Strike once on a boss fight.

I also healed a Bear recently that never used Iron Fur throughout the run either. But “it’s okay, ive got barkskin and earthwarden”

Nightmare. Also me when I just started playing bear. I was so bad.

“WHY AM I SO SQUIS- oh. Oh no…”

Are we sisters?

LMAO, counting 6 now

I’m still working on this mindset in PUGs. Most of my healing over the years has been in friend groups, so if someone messed up a mechanic, we joked about it and everyone knew what happened.

But in PUGs, people don’t pay attention to what happens around them, they just see if someone died. I feel a much greater sense of responsibility for compensating for people’s mistakes, and if I can’t, it doesn’t feel good. This is totally for me to fix, though. After all, I usually know why someone in a pug died - and when it was my fault and when it wasn’t.

Still, I get why people aren’t keen on healing in pugs, especially right now.

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Pretty sure you would have to drop most of your sockets, set and crafted gear bonuses to do this. Dicey if that is actually a good thing.