Season 3 Mythic Plus will be currency starved

Oh, you’re not actually done trolling? Go ahead then…

That 441 in LFR.

Vs my baby 423 in Heroic.

Same fight, different difficulty, same exact kill time surprisingly enough
We are not the same. At least show some competence in BDK before acting like you know what you are talking about.

I actually just noticed you tried to cap off by being another person to look into my LFR logs to advise the good people that I afk’d LFR twice to give my friend a tank queue for sark(sarth?)leggo drop. Not that I needed more evidence: you’ve lost the plot little fella.

Eh. You had active time pushing buttons. Nice try deflecting but 441 should be able to AFK for more than that.

Oh you mentioned it in 2 comments. I thought you said you were leaving, troll.
Not in your personality kit to be true to your word either?

3 comments. You’re burying(bumping?) really well. Is this exciting you? This the height of your day? Are you taking screenshots for 4chan?

You’re just too good at baiting responses. And now, I’m curious if you think that you ‘carry’ in M+ when your M+ logs aren’t much better…


I guess blizz listened when everyone complained about them putting grinds in for play metrics. You can now log off after 7.5 keys and be done for the week.

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Cool, go ahead and make your own thread, 2700 Meta class. Tell me all about it :slight_smile:
I don’t get paid gold mid to end season carrying folks to ksm, Ksh and a variety of individual portals by mistake.
That doesn’t pay my sub with gold by mistake or fluke :wink:

Nah, no need. I don’t throw rating around because rating means absolutely nothing if you aren’t pushing 30s. And you don’t carry anyone if you have to run defensive trinkets for low 20s.

Only difference between our M+ is I stopped pushing before Aug came out, satisfied with just portals. You kept pushing after Aug and got carried a few keys above your range and still didn’t get within reach of an impressive score even though you act like it is. Since BDKs have been able to break into the high 27~30 range, it isn’t a meta issue either~

:joy: thank you, new friend that was actually caught up in my ratings during your strawman arguments (casual logic, gotta love it) while legitimizing your own (when I told you more than once I don’t care that you’re much lower than me but you still tried to compensate by beating your chest)

You know, you were the first one to pull the, “But you are lower io than me” card, right?

That shows you cared enough to look me up, so you’re straight-up lying to yourself there. xD

I just decided to return the courtesy. Unfortunately, all the data presented shows that your talk about “carrying people” is a bold-faced lie to cover up that you were the one gray-parsing for pretty much every key you’ve run with the only saving grace being that the Augvoker had two decent DPS to buff.

My main has loads of flightstones. So many, in fact that she keeps bumping up against the cap. It’s my alts that don’t do world quests and only run a couple dungeons per week who literally could not upgrade anything due to lack of flightstones.

Apparently the “catch-up mechanism” was only for mains.

It’s on your profile, kiddo. It was relevant to why you’re trolling a thread about feedback regarding shoddy systems and currencies- worse than SL when people overwhelmingly complained about systems and currencies (and then they quit :joy:)
I don’t want ppl to quit. Even you. You’re comedy gold.

People who “look-up” other profiles and comment on them publicly generally have low self-esteem. This is how they feel better about themselves.

I just allow them their coping mechanism and post on my less active account, which they enjoy “looking up”.

That’s a matter of Correlation =/= Causation because you don’t know why everyone quit. Most of my original raiding guild quit because how obnoxious the Sylvannas fight was alongside the lawsuit shenanigans and had zero to do with ‘currencies.’

People liked the concept of Valor but did not like how it was implemented in DF S1. In S2, they implemented a better version of Valor but ended up giving it out a bit too fast to the point gear plateaued in the first few weeks. S3 they are slowing things down so it isn’t a straight slope up then a flat line across the entire season. That is the simple numbers of it.

I certainly didn’t enter your name somewhere irrelevant like third party LFR logs :joy: you know how many ppl tried referencing that with me and my two tank queues on sark for my Aug buddy?
Last time was 2 months ago, I destroyed 2 horde in a 2v1 PvP skirmish for a weekly half Spark, /shrug. He wispered me after the match, referenced that same LFR log then put me on ignore :rofl::rofl:

Sure is a lot of whining over a video game


PvP is a different beast because it isn’t balanced. People that whisper after dying in PvP are amusing and I have a collection of their salt in the back.

Taking the benefit of the doubt, I did check your M+ ones though and… Results weren’t better though so I’m still lost on the part where you say you carry people. :dracthyr_shrug:

Yea. A rotting currency in relevant tier content. I think I addressed that 7 times here now. Bad design.