Season 3 Issue

At least they fixing it… I was 60/40 on them stalling until season was actually over and saying oops ?

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I was thinking we’d hear at the day of new season it was fixed and they’ve learned from their mistakes.


it’s going to take 3 hours
it’s not a ‘hotfix’ hotfixes are instantly applied

i also doubt it’s been entirely ignored
there’s a SIGNIFICANT chance this isn’t just some “oh haha flipped the off season switch on, shoot! just flip it back off really quick”

wows code is like 20 years old
a lot of the programming is kinda janky

it wouldn’t surprise me if they had to spend the last 3 days recreating the entire ladder and the fix is literally creating a new season where they award all the same wins/pts ect to each player participating but actually lost all of the old data in it’s place


i play well into it, but that doesnt help my partner from being 1 shot, also its super boring to have to pillar the entire game for fear of being 2 shot in a coil.

Which one is it now?

the “well x does really well into warlock” as an argument to how bad warlock makes the game currently is dumb

saying ‘just do x until 50% damp and kill the warlock it’s fine’ is literally justifying guardian druids existence because the strategy is the exact same against them


…but the more likely situation is that there was no one at the office the past few days because of the holidays, so there was no one to fix the problem. I’d bet anything that the bug was related to the conquest rewards ending their seasonal cycle, so the game thought there was no current season taking place. Probably not that hard to fix.

could be

though last season conquest ended 2 weeks earlier than the season and in place they gave us a 410 weapon (when 400 was the old cap) and another piece after that off the schedule

Inb4 the title cutoffs listed on ladder are messed up from the fix.

Please quit acting like these comps are even remotely the same.

LLD DRs literally everything together. Clone fear stuns coil and roots. The only similarities they have is that it involves two casters. I ran into that comp once when queueing alts at 2.4 and a few times with an hpal recently on 2.4 alts. I rarely see it even ran outside of when I run it. There’s ample room for counterplay against LLD, and most melee comps barely have to run from it granted they equip tank trinkets.


Lol people still play this game! This thread got 200+ responses and even 3(!) blue posts!

please. stop.


i’ve seen prob 25 different ones last week alone

drs dont matter because unless your druid is a new player nothing on your team can die until 25% damp against anything besides rogue/mage and by then you’ve surely killed something
if you havent you’re throwing

most of the trashy bad lock players like trusttbolt abandoned playing real comps and just grabbed another lock for quick mount

i dont blame them the games bad and there’s not a single comp this season that displays or requires personal skill
but to imply double lock druid isnt on the free-er end of the specrum is being extremely dishonest lmao

plus you know a lot about the spectrum i’m sure


Yes its a complete sentence mr forum grammar na zi

Tbh the dankest timeline is either they tommorow say nvm bug can’t be fixed.

Anyone want to start a deadpool on if another mistake will happen:

  • What would really suck is if no 2 week warning season didn’t end on 14th and went into next patch before raid came out like a season already did this expansion. Then we’d have to deal with mechagnomes and more priest nerfs.
  • Accidental rating reset.
  • Pretending to restart the season, but then have the rewards go out to the pre bugged ladder.

What? I’ve seen maldiva and trustbolt and a few others at 2800+ MMR Farm as double destro consistently throughout the season. Not sure where you get “I rarely see it”. I see more double destro than I do guardians, but that’s to be fair, since lock can win the game without dampening.

And saying that double lock and mage/lock are similar is correct. Sure, mage/lock has different DRs, but that’s hardly an issue, because warlock has the MOST CC out of any class baked into its baseline kit. So sure, even if you stop one wizard, the other is free to control the game. There’s an argument to be made that double destro is better than mage/lock because destro is better into damp than mage is.

Fear, Coil x2, shadowfury, conflag root, infernal stun. While all this is happening, the druid is free to do whatever he wants, because if you DONT stop a warlock, you die.

Double lock and mage/lock are so oppressive because they have the burst damage from bolts and greater pyros to end the game at any point, if not stopped. INSANE Cc to draw out games and stop goes and last into lategame and some of the highest raw throughput. And because spells like chaosbolt and greater pyro are so strong, they REQUIRE stops in the form of kicks and CC, which allows the healer to just do whatever they want.

Do you honestly believe that warlock isn’t broken right now?


Nowhere near the extent of Guardian.

fair post but ironically destro has such a similar effect on how the game plays

destro drags games out much much much longer than they should be typically by simply existing regardless of good play or not

although unlike guardian, destro trades like 15% of the required dampening timer for the ability to be very threatening for the first 12 minutes of the game as well


Tank trinkets are easily the most cancer followed by mage and destro survivability. Rogues are rogues anymore. There is no depth to the assas spec so playing against a 2100 is the same as 2700.

Players feel pigeon holed into playing over tuned specs or classes to feel competitive. Even specs or classes that have more mechanical depth are just less rewarding than their counter parts. Why play demo and and set up a 400%+ tyrant when you can press chaos bolt? Why play survival hunter w DH and rogue the way they are ?


Better to just raise damage done to players by abilities across the board.

The reason we are in this mess is because the Devs listen or agree with the idea that we should by and large never do more than 5% of someone’s HP in a global. The problem: this model would clearly not work for burst casters so it isn’t applied to them. The other half of this problem is that 5-8 specs went live thready for live. The others aren’t actually finished mechanically or numerically. In some cases both. These things don’t entice new players into arena; they cater to bad players who couldn’t get rating without all those things in place to hold their hand.

This community needs to stop whining about damage, and the Devs need to stop catering to these people. Mana needs to matter. As long as we have low damage,functional tank trinkets,absurd health pools and dampening pvp player numbers are going to be low. In MoP on any given day if you went to arena mate you’d see over 200 000 people active on the NA ladder alone. Now? Just under 5500. Gearing is a massive issue as well, not having a vendor and reliable gearing system is also going to impact player numbers.

Season 3 ending early is not even in the top 5 problems with season 3.

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