Season 3 Issue

Even though it would devalue item level it still needs done to fix game pacing. Nobody gears based off what item gives them more stamina so the fact that it would make gem slots more powerful relative to straight item level is irrelevant.

DPS will choose gear that gives them more damage and healer will choose gear that gives them more of whatever they are going for. Neither will base any decisions off of stamina. Everyone will want gear with sockets just as they do now.

I disagree as I have tough choices already over 20 ilvl and a socket.

Bring back the Ox!

I liked legion stat templates. But idk how that works because everyone hated gear not mattering, but now they hate that it does matter?

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No we hate that we are forced to pve, we hate that the gear we have to pve for slows down the game to this stale unfun garbage meta we have, and we hate that the dev team has done nothing about it.

I do find the incompetence to be rather amusing though. At the start of S3 we saw a nerf to Leviathanā€™s Lure, but here we are ending S3 with Cut of Death, Undulating Tides, Diverā€™s Folly, and Shiver Venom being untouched though theyā€™re pretty much all the same thing.


You forgot sporepods and coral, which are bigger offenders IMO. But at the same time, melee would lose to RM or Destro/X every time without them.

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Templates were good. People wanted a little something extra to work towards with their characters in PvP besides rating which in and of itself isnā€™t terribly game-beaking. However they thought the devs would implement a proven system like we had for the last 4+ years. instead the new diablo devs are like evil genies where they give you what you asked for with a wicked twist. Now we have PvE gear ruling PvP with no end in sight and they read our complaints while telling themselves they ā€œgave us what we asked forā€.

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Also mechagon hardmode red punchcard subroutine:defragmentation is better than sporepods tbh.

ā€“ Or how CoS gear like nimbus bolt pants at 420ilvl still > 445 gemmed pieces just nobody runs that raid anymore.

ā€“ Or how healers are still using ward from BoD despite ilvl drop and past nerfs since its an insane amount. Instant save someone button regardless of if they are in a bomb, your locked out, or even in a silence. Also makes cooldown management 100x easier with an extra get out of jail free card. Itā€™s the same poison as voidstone.

ā€“ Or the insane amount of vers everyone is able to stack and if you have bad rng on getting high ilvl gemmed vers pieces your screwed (especially on alts).

ā€“ Or other extra healing from essences. Especially Memory of Lucid Dreams minor needing to be nerfed in line with defensive azerite traits.

ā€“ Or how next season is adding even more 3% stam unlocks on the neck when stamina creep is already massively out scaling damage as we go from tier to tier this expansion.

ā€“ Or how more teams are playing triple relentless even if they arenā€™t human because damage isnā€™t high enough to punish it.

All of these bad decisions and more like them are how awful bandaids like maledict ever come into existing in the first place.

Making numbers up off the top of my head, but games really feel like 70% gear, 20% comp, 5% rng on if you can even crit to finish someone off at low hp, and like 5% skill. Thereā€™s very little difference between players in classes like assa rogue, destro, dh, dk, hpal.

If your missing like 20-50k+ hp and 10% vers itā€™s a night and day different experience in what you are allowed to do and how hard you lose on mana from being out pveā€™ed.


No, I actually didnā€™t. All the items I listed function as secondary sources of passive damage. Sporepods and Coral do not.

Are wins above 2400 now counting towards glad?


Melee has done well in tourns without them


Holy cow this, no one needs these trinkets. They just become to much of a pain to not use when everyone has themā€¦


I agree 100%.

I think stat templates fix a number of these issues and also directly give blizzard nobs to turn for tuning to help fix issues.

I also hate relentless conceptually, but I
think it has a place vs some teams (like mage/lock to avoid literal perna cc). The issue is just as you said; the Stam creep.

Iā€™d love to roll that back, but then exceptionally bursty comps would need either their survivability or damage nerfed.

Also, this is a minor thing, but I hate the classes that are ā€œstrongā€ ATM. Assa rogue and dk/dh are super braindead, and guardian is a main class, when things like sub rogue/feral or boomy and ww/war have higher skill Caps but just fall so far short because of how gear plays out. Every non RMP mirror is 10+ dampening games.

Thanks for the update, I recommend everyone to screen shot there win loss as of now untill they restart season 3.

Their top priority is getting the server back up so you can continue to be farmed by bears,destro and rmpalla.

Wdym?? There are plenty of dk/dh with tank trinkets and rmpriest too!

Update 4:15 p.m. PST - January 2, 2020

Weā€™ve finished creating and testing a fix for the issue, and we will implement the fix after realm restarts tomorrow. Weā€™ve scheduled the realm restarts for Friday, January 3 at 7:00 a.m. PST / 10:00 a.m. EST, and we expect weā€™ll complete the fix about three hours later.

Again, thank you for your patience.


Why exactly are we waiting until tomorrow to release the hot fix? Also a LOT of other questions regarding this bug that have been entirely ignored.

MM plays extremely well into destro.

Yet itā€™s one of the main things you cry about.