Season 3 Issue

I don’t think anyone is arguing; I also think the absence of blue posts has little to do with people talking or not talking about class balance; that’s what the forums are for. And I think guardian druid and destro warlocks (and rogue mage/ tank trinkets) qualify as a legion season 3 issue!

This thread is specifically for the bug that cause the season to end.


Being feared for a whole 2 seconds isn’t generally enough to move you out of PotP range and even so it’s nowhere near enough time to land a kill on the other target. You simply walk back to the target, that’s how it is their responsibility.

Fears last 2 seconds?!

I literally just told you it breaks to protector of the pack usually.

It doesn’t, especially if the teammate getting hit is not near the bear.

Nerf the self healing of non hybrid dps classes. Nerf mage shields, nerf toxic blades, nerf destro mastery, nerf dh leech. Remove trinket effects from being used in arena. Remove safeguard and maledict. Just to start, see if that speeds up pacing, then make more specific changes based on needed.

Edit- Almost forgot, remove %based attacks and make them based off attack power.


Yeah I like all those. Dont forget DK deathstrike (or at least increase its cost or make it require transfuse or something because they have so many good pvp talents)

Yes that one somehow slipped my mind…

Also nerf stam by like 20%. Healer is cc’d but I have to chew through 400k health when I crit with offensive cd’s on a lot of specs for like 40k. lol

For sure. With all that, though, you’d need to nerf rogue and mage. Because they already kill THROUGH self heals and trinkets with the entire team CCd. And I’m not saying RMP isn’t a high skill comp, but frankly its strength compared to ease of execution is absurd.

Ya that is a great idea too, the whole point of these changes are to speed up game pacing and that would go a long way.

What a perfect representation of Blizzard and BFA. I couldn’t have ended it better. Bravo!

Nerfing mage shields so that they actually die will help.

Ok dude whatever

Doggo remember when you clapped those 2 fools in that skirm while I hid behind a pillar and watched? That was my favorite moment of us in 2019.


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That is so awesome that you slightly remember it. Thank you.

Nerfing stam just makes ilvl scaling worse. Gems would be significantly OP.

What if we removed gem sockets in PvP along with a stamina nerf?