Season 3 Dungeon Difficulty Was the Sweet Spot

After a couple days of running dungeons, I have come to the conclusion that these dungeons are excessively long and tedious. I hate the insane unavoidable damage and ground clutter. It is just not a fun season.



MWEA - Make WoW Easy Again

The game performs better when it is easier without fail. Hope Holly can get control over things and tell Ion to do the obvious and stop catering to a minority within a minority of the WoW playerbase.

It´s a shame that the vast majority of WoW players are so drenched in insecurity that they don´t have the cojones to ask for a easier game.


I don’t need an easier game. I need an engaging game. I feel like I have that. So I’m fine, thanks.


I’ve been saying this for years. And up until the last few months causing me to have to work a lot, I was far from a casual player. I had 5 characters well over 480, all around 3k rating, with my main being 3.2k. The game doesn’t need to be like this. I absolutely hate that I can’t load the game up and play with random strangers and have a reasonably good experience at higher difficulties. It’s not too difficult for me, but I can’t expect everyone or even most people to invest the amount of time and effort I had to invest to be good at the game.


I’d accept an easier game with grace and enthusiasm. I just want to kill monsters and take their loot at a reasonable difficulty level. KSM should be balanced to the average player – and let the harder difficulties continue to be for e-peen.


You are an extremely casual player, though. There’s nothing wrong with that, and I’m not insulting you. I’m saying you don’t know what you’re talking about.


Two thoughts, and no these are not contradictory:

  1. Season 3 was way too easy.
  2. The Dragonflight dungeons do, indeed, suck. In so many ways. Too long, too complicated, too much crap to deal with… and just not fun.


One of us ONE OF US


I do know what I’m talking about— from my particular gameplay stance.

Can you tell me how it’s wrong to want an engaging game and not necessarily an easy game? Do you want faceroll droolfests for every facet of the gameplay experience?


This is what the majority of the playerbase wants. Yes.

Should Blizzard cater to ppl with thousands of posts on the WoW forums and ppl who play the game as a part time job on WoW Twitter?

Or the majority of WoW players who are so bad at the game, their DPS would vastly increase using Hekilli


I feel like the Dragonflight dungeons were made by Blizzard not to be FUN, but to fatten up the youtube how-to guides to be long enough for multiple ad breaks.


Citation needed.


I just want something in between faceroll droolfests and min/max twitch gamer difficulties. Blizz isn’t very good about hitting that sweet spot.


Season 3 Dragonflight


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This I very much agree with. Which, to me, is what “engaging” is.

In other words, as usual, you have no clue what you’re talking about. Moving on.


wait till next week, bosses won’t be as bad but trash gonna truck, suppose to be bolstering

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I agree with you. I wish there was more in between. As it stands there is far too much moving between too easy and hitting a literal wall.


I don’t think any reasonable people want that. I think there are people who want something for nothing. Then I think there are people who are extreme elitists that think only the absolute top players deserve anything. But then I think there’s this huge pool of players in the middle of that that don’t want to feel excluded from things in the game, but they’re willing to make reasonable efforts and invest reasonable time into improving, as much as makes sense for a video game they pay for.


Indeed. Which is what I’m talking about. Myzrym put it best:


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I mean, real talk you are 100 % correct with this observation. They do play as if fun was not even an afterthought when designing the dungeons. The versions we are playing in S4 have even been nerfed into the ground in a lot of cases and they are still just a slog.