All you did was babble nonsense and got so frustrated when I disagreed with you, you started mouth breathing and throwing personal attacks at me. lol
That’s when I’ve tried to end our conversation twice, but I can see you won’t be happy until you think you won the argument on the WoW Forums or something. So yes, you proved your point. And I helped you do it. Whatever that was, well done. lol
I didn’t get frustrated. Don’t flatter yourself. I made a statement and you didn’t like it. Then you couldn’t refute points so you flat out ignored them.
Yet you’re so mad you keep returning to respond to try and save face
If you wanted to actually end the conversation you would say bye and it respond back not once but twice
I… kinda gave up when 2 attempts to get you to go away failed. Now I’m just kinda curious what you need from me to actually walk away happy.
Wow, so I also have to not understand sarcasm now as well? You won the argument, hurt my feelings, made me mad, now I gotta not understand you either now? When is it enough, Snozy, you crazy Classic Character Alt man?! How much do you need before you’re happy.
Didn’t say I was leaving the conversation - I just waved good-bye to you when you personally attacked me the first time. You responded again, I literally just said have a wonderful evening… and you kept responding…
… at some point, some forum “stand your ground” rule kicks in! At that point, I was just kinda curious if you’re half as attention starved and sad as you seem to be, so I figure, I’d just agree with everything you said, try to see if you could ever reach a point where I was beaten, hurt, sad, mad, whatever enough for you to be happy… but I think all that wound up doing was confusing you. Sorry about that. lol
I’m sure you’re a decent chap IRL. Work on yourself.
i raided and did mythic plus with a full vault (just not pvp) each week and wasnt able to get my 4 set until the catalyst came out. was it 8 weeks? something like that. partly because i pugged raids and i can recall at least 3 pieces that were rolled on by others were that they just gave to their friends since the winner of the roll already had theirs with my roll coming in second highest. i was also removed from a raid (with a couple others) because the leader didnt want to risk losing out on a tier piece that we shared IF it even dropped. i hope this system is fixed because it discourages me, a former CE raider, from ever wanting to raid again since i am only interested in mythic+ these days.
The post mentioned the Revival Catalyst would be available until season 1 ends, and season 2 begins on May 9th. I went to the Revival Catalyst today with my new vault item but I was unable to use it. That doesn’t seem to be in line with what we were told here.