Season 2 is hot garbage

My brother in Christ the season hasn’t started

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I finally logged on… Yeah i’m not liking the new zone.

I’m not gonna get bent out of shape over it but it is a hard pass until season three

Of course it’s a foreign concept, it’s a dumb one.

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Do some of y’all not know about PTR, and playing things before they come out?

I’m not saying that everything is an exact copy over to retail from PTR… but sometimes you can get a bit of a preview, aye?

Oh no

Ugh, I know, right?

At least it’s better than S3, which is literally unplayable.


Season 2 didnt start yet tho

I would rather have it where the treasures you find can give you different lvl maps that awards materials for upgrades and chances of at least champion lvl gear.
Lvl 1= Whelpling dungeon
Lvl 2 = Veteran
Lvl 3 = Champion gear chance plus chance at wyrm frags

but the dungeon’s are part of old dungeons and bosses. The maps lead you to a entrance. Bosses scale on up to 5 players.
Simply make 2-5 mini dungeons every patch or so.
So your still doing open world to get maps but the dungeons would be instanced.
Could even make the caves you open up be a mini dungeon.


oh wow, yes, I love love this.

See, THESE are the creative and unique ideas we need to infuse into WoW.

Submit this to Blizz asap pls

Not sure if you remember or played then, but in MoP they did an open world content patch for a Krasarang pve/pvp area that revamped the shoreline of the zone. It didn’t go over well.

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That’s never going to happen. The game would die over night. People that only do world content aren’t as big of a majority as they think they are.

It’s incredibly unfortunate that every time someone brings up more open world content requests its always met with “game will die if raid tier is taken away” or something of the sort…so unfortunate we can’t have more balance.

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If you actually saw how many raids, BGs and keys are pug’d 24/7, you’d understand.

I can barely log in now, let aone p t r

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Raid, pvp, mythic+ are the endgame. Why I said with my post with maps to implement a small amount of maps per patch so its something.

I’m not opposed to more world content, but not as the sole focus. And it’s not like they aren’t experimenting with concepts for world content in this expansion (events, dragon racing, crafting, renown, daily areas, world quests, rare killing, the vault, digs, 4 rotating world bosses). Some of it’s been hit or miss so far, but it’s clear they’re making an attempt. I think next week events in the new zone will start.

New place is like Nazjatar (like, same layout lol), the heal “nerfs” they did are dumb, people are still being dumb in dungeons (legit was in a run today, where people did not know they had to get orbs on storm boss - they thought it didn’t matter and the orbs would just disappear. No joke. wtah).

I think I am just logged in right now for achiev purposes. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

Weve had a few instances of “interlinked quest chains that thebserver community participates in” in the past,
AQ40-opening the gates required server wide reasource collection
ICC-unlockrd after server wide completion of X amount of quests
Timeless Isles-unlocked after server wide completion of X amount of quests

All of them had negitive results. The player base did not like them. If you thought the complaints about “time gating content” was bad now, was much worse back then. I dont see them doing such stuff again.

i unsubbed but i got 24 days left i feel cheated

That patch instantly becomes the worst patch in wow history.

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