Season 2 is hot garbage

I’m not sure it could have been made more unfun. WTF are you devs doing?


But it hasn’t even started yet :eye: :lips: :eye:


This patch is the exact stuff y’all were asking for LMAO


not what I asked for.

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Then you clearly don’t know what you want from this game LMAO


Well, they don’t make the game for you personally.

  1. Season 2 hasn’t started yet. Most of the new stuff to do – like raids, mythic +, pvp – haven’t been enabled yet.
  2. I’m pretty sure there are literally thousands of ways they could have made it more unfun, but since “fun” is subjective I’ll only list one of them: not releasing Dragonflight Season 2 at all.



It literally hasn’t even started, WoW players truly concern me. Especially the players I meet in game.


Pray you never meet me in game

S2 hasn’t even started yet.

Reported for real life threats.

not my pre…err, not my asking for.

I have been asking for more casual ways to play the game.

Player housing
Guild housing
Meaningful openworld gameplay consisting of interlinked quest chains that the server community participates in
Chromie time permanently added to the rest of the world to make it relevant again

etc. etc. I want more open world content, not more instanced content

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Raid isn’t out yet, PVP season isn’t out yet. Season 2 hasn’t started. Are you from the future?

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You are literally never going to get any of these in a patch, let alone all of these.

Each of these requires expansion-level work to be implemented.

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Okay futureman. What are Saturday’s Powerball numbers?


No, it just requires a patch to release without dedicating time to another set of mythic dungeons and another raid.

A patch solely dedicated to OPEN WORLD content.

Wow, what a foreign concept, I know.

None of these except MAYBE the Chromie Time stuff will have any semblance of the quality you’re hoping for if it’s just a patch. Those need to be expansion-level additions or else you’re gonna inevitably complain about them.

The last time they did a “major content patch” that didn’t really add anything to endgame, we got Patch 6.1. Everyone knows how that went.

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Would love to know just bout 500 tickets.

Same. Open world dungeons too please, mooore of them.

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