Season 2 Changes to CC

What are we thinking about the instant break CC’s now (poly, blind, trap, ect.) not instantly breaking in Season 2?!

Mildly concerned it’ll result in rogue/mage 50-0ing me while I’m being poly spammed without it breaking but as long as that doesn’t happen…probably fine?

Poly or blind breaking to 1 dmg stinks.

Male human ret riding in to blind 5000000 dots off then immediately die also stinks.


Curious to see what damage threshold is, it can’t be high on poly or blind theoretically, because disc death has to break it.

Unless they’re choosing to not allow that to happen anymore, which I doubt.


I feel like this can always get manually adjusted to make sure it breaks regardless of the actual hit or something.

Nah death not breaking cc type of thing that gets hotfixed within the week unironically

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Are these changes still live on PTR? I see them in the original thread:

But the latest updates do not have them:

Is this new thread just the additions on top of what was already said?

Also, it looks like mage tree changes that were here 2 weeks ago have been reverted already because too many PvErs complained, which is a blessing in all honesty.

How much damage does Disc Death do?

Glacial Assault only does like 23k, so I would assume the thresh hold would be under 100k? I do think orb/blizzard ticks should break it so healers can skillfully stand in blizzard or orb. Not sure what those hit for? Never really pay attention because the damage from orb+blizzard is usually low.


It does feel weird for them to do this, but I imagine it’s an easier fix than going through every single aoe ability and effect to make sure it doesn’t hit a target ccd by blind / poly / etc.

Feels like it lowers the skill cap a bit, but eh

Its just a small damage resistance, so its not breaking instantly from air. Don’t worry, it won’t become another warrior fear where you can 50-0 people without breaking it!

While we’re making these changes and nerfing cyclone (finally!), can we also make blinding sleet break on direct damage now?


buffing CC in any way at this point is a bad step to take IMO the game already has MORE than enough CC they should be working on balancing numbers better and pulling CC out of the game.

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hopefully no wintrading or cheaters! small request in a world of maggots but someone can hope, right?!

I mean it’s going to be a thing. Not sure why some of these changes are being made unless (most likely) it’s PvE based.

My guess is it will be to high, like it was when they changed fear threshold. Idk if they even fixed that. Seems like they did.

Hard disagree, the game is more pve than it has ever been RN with setups being very mediocre and the vame pmuch revolving around having a rogue or feral to stun for you or using something like a shaman/warrior to outplay everything.


Pretty sure death already works like this, otherwise hex wouldn’t be deathable.

I want hunter CC nerfed especially that silencing sting - deleted

I too am concerned about being micro’d to death with these changes.


If we nerf cc do we all get to go back to complaining about dampening again?

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It makes sense that the new CC shouldn’t remove bleeding etc., but this wasn’t written anywhere.

Remove silence sting from hunters

Give Disc a stun.

Absolute trash changes. Any non stun cc should break on 1 damage