Season 1 WW is over! Here is how all specs performed (NA)

Season 1 WW is over! Here is how all specs performed (NA)

Amount of players above 2400 (Elite) in solo shuffle, per spec (NA)

Beast Mastery Hunter: 599
Holy Paladin: 490
Affliction Warlock: 408
Fury Warrior: 390
Discipline Priest: 365
Retribution Paladin: 356
Shadow Priest: 334
Elemental Shaman: 308
Assasination Rogue: 281
Demonology Warlock: 249
Frost Mage: 243
Feral Druid: 205
Preservation Evoker: 175
Devastation Evoker: 172
Windwalker Monk: 168
Mistweaver Monk: 166
Balance Druid: 145
Unholy Death Knight: 145
Destruction Warlock: 144
Restoration Druid: 142
Frost Death Knight: 123
Enhancement Shaman: 120
Restoration Shaman: 120
Outlaw Rogue: 119
Arms Warrior: 118
Arcane Mage: 84
Survival Hunter: 80
Havoc Demon Hunter: 66
Holy Priest: 62
Marksmanship Hunter: 60
Subtlety Rogue: 45
Fire Mage: 28
Blood Death Knight: 15
Protection Warrior: 13
Augmentation Evoker: 12
Protection Paladin: 4
Vengeance Demon Hunter: 0
Guardian Druid: 0
Brewmaster Monk: 0


So I guess the moral of the story is don’t bother playing tanks. :rofl:


opinions of bm hunters stay invalidated.

I genuinely do not understand blizzard balance team obsession with making the easiest specs the best performers

BM just one of those specs that can get it done with 50% less effort and somehow immune to nerfs


More Hpals got r1 than any other class this season.

Not counting rets, talking only Hpals. More spots than all 3 rogue specs, lock specs, mage specs, Druid specs.

Spec should be gutted and unplayable.


Half of all healers to get r1 in 3s are hpals, blizzard’s chosen

Because then people will play them…

Seems pretty obvious to me.

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entry level specs should be viable and easy but should never out perform their harder to play class specs.

bm should never out perform survival when played correctly*


I disagree.

That is the design that takes us away from strong simple and effective specs like the havoc of old, and gives us the garbage that was havoc this past season.

Adding meaningless complexity does not make the spec more enjoyable, just less rewarding in general. And if it is not obvious, players just leave those specs and play the more simple and effective ones.

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ok thanks for the input i am still recovering from all of shadowlands where it was a dps loss for BM hunters to push anything but cobra shot and flayed so i disagree with your disagreement

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The numbers speak for themselves. Simple and effective specs dominate the top of that list.

This is insane to me… Why should a spec that is more difficult to play be less rewarding than a class that requires minimal effort?

Again… what? …

It is absolutely more enjoyable to have actual skill expression. How is that less rewarding?

In what world is it more enjoyable be able to mash buttons and kill someone randomly… than it is to set it up, use abilities correctly and get a kill?


he’s just 12000 posts of contrarian and doesn’t even pvp. just pat him on the head and ignore


What do you think this means? Lmao. Why are you so okay with voicing an opinion that stems from a place of ignorance?

It’s more fun for terrible players that want to 1 and done a season. We’re supposed to act like we want players like that in arena or something.

We don’t.

I did not say less rewarding.

I disagree that increasing complexity should necessitate it being more effective.

Who do you want to play the game? Only people who are able to get 2400+ on the “hard” specs?

yea hey buddy time to go bak to goldshire

every spec is baseline viable to get 2400+ in any bracket.

but at the top top top end of play survival should be out performing BM.

affects participation zero

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What are you on about?

I was responding to this:


Why shouldn’t complexity be more rewarding? This is exactly why no one plays these specs and move to the FotM, easy specs. Which is where I think you’re confused in this comment.

I think you’re confusing the path of least resistance with something else.

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that’s great, i’m not. I generally don’t bother reading something if someone made the conscious effort to create a classic alt to post from