The GCD in WoW is 1-1.5 seconds depending on the class, which is 4-6x longer than the average human reaction speed
At even moderately competent levels of play, it is a turn based game. Yes, the turns are quick compared to other turn based games, but it is still turn based
Gladiators are Gladiators because they have much greater situational awareness (“the priest is coming off the pillar, he wants to fear”) and game knowledge (“I will shiv crippling poison so that he can’t reach my healer”)
It’s the ability to read the situation that matters, not the speed of their reflexes. Everybody at even a below average level of competence can move their fingers fast enough to play WoW. The ones who excel are the ones who are faster at thinking.
The fact that I’ve explained this multiple times and you still don’t get it leaves me with little faith in humanity.
You’re not factoring in anything that’s not on the GCD. It isn’t really a thing in Classic, but is in later iterations of the game. Especially when interrupts are off GCD for everyone.
And like you said, forethought and planning ahead and everything else that is required isn’t related to the GCD. For example, a melee being able to walk through a caster in their face is strong, the caster turning to complete the cast is important.
Because you’re an idiot. No one with slow reaction times can reach the top. It’s part of what is required.
Not always, dropping healers for more dps in most cases is better than slowing the raid down. Which is great since most hybrid dps in TBC is substantially better
I didn’t realize we were only able to interact with our characters once per GCD. I’ve been moving and targeting during the GCD all this time, never realizing that I was violating some unspoken rule of highly skilled PVPers. I will adjust my playstyle going forward in order to adopt a more turn-based style like you. Thank you for bringing this to my attention.
Secondly, the most difficult thing to interrupt in TBC PvP is a Warlock’s Fel Domination Pet Resummon, and kicking that has infinitely more to do with knowing that it’s coming (pet is dead, he needs to resummon, he will have to stop running away from me in order to cast it) and being prepared for it (the cast is faster than my GCD and my Kick is on the GCD so I need to hold my globals to kick it) than it does with reaction speed.
And reacting to the cast takes reaction speed. Given interrupts are on the GCD, knowing you have time to get one more GCD before holding for the interrupt means having the reaction to know as fast as possible means you can dish out more damage.
There is simply no way that reaction times are not relevant to skill. The fact you’re arguing that is ridiculous. This isn’t a turn-based game.
SMH, the best argument available to you is one you haven’t even made, which is the use of @mouseover macros
As for movement, WoW is a game that has huge positional leeway between the client and server, due to technical constraints of having so many players simultaneously present in the same zone. Movement in WoW nowhere near as precise as other games
As for targeting, at higher levels of play that too is a matter of preparation not reaction. Setting someone as your /focus target in advance before you need to target them is infinitely faster and more fluid than trying to switch targets spontaneously. Personally I have 6 keybinds for each of /target arena{1,2,3} and /focus arena{1,2,3} which is a very standard setup
Like I said, the best argument you can make here is really @mouseover macros which do require some element of mouse skill, but that’s still a very small element of gameplay and WoW as a whole is still far more about precognition and game knowledge than it is about reaction speed lmao
LOL the fact that you’re trying to argue it’s not turn based when the top PvP guild was called and the top esports league for WoW is “GCD TV” is all too funny
BTW the cast time for Fel Domination Pet Summon is 0.5 seconds which is still 2x the average human reaction speed.
I’m sorry but you’re just wrong. I once was naive like you but I have been shown the true path. You think to become a true Gladiator one must be fast, or have good keybindings, or a reliable internet connection? No… those are simply the lies you have been told. The lies they want you to believe.
You think the top PVP’ers are practicing WOW? You think they’re finely tuning their keybinds to improve their reaction time by a few milliseconds? Nonsense… He who is bound by his keybindings will forever be limited by them. I’m pretty sure Ghandi said that. No the top PVP’ers first focus on honing their spirits. Their chakras. Their Chi. A true pvp’er doesn’t spend his time playing Wow. Thats pleb talk. A true pvp’er climbs the mountains of Kilimanjaro and communes with the bhikkhu for days, subsisting solely on grubs and coconut milk. Until finally. once his spirit is whole once more, he can return to the arena and face his opponent, laughing as thier movements unfold as slowly and predictably as an old book.
This is the way Esperia. Abandon your reliance on physical control of your character. Control your spirit, and the character will control itself. This is the way of Mindtrick. Please, come embrace the path as I have, and know true PVP greatness.
Correct. And given the fact that the faster you react to it the more likely you are to succeed, it’s almost like reaction time is still relevant.
What a 400ms window does is creates interactions that are easy to pull off and can utterly ruin a fight, like vanishing a Death Coil. It could still be done on a 10ms tick, but it’d actually take skill and more game knowledge on top of reaction time.
Also, nobody cares about the top tier of players. 400ms negatively affects the vast majority of players, and is affecting things that aren’t intended.
LMAO having decent dexterity and good keybindings is enough to get you to Challenger (top 35% of the rated ladder) maybe
Getting from there to Gladiator is 100% game knowledge, strategy, situational awareness, etc.
In other words, you need to be “fast enough” but that’s a very reasonable threshhold for anybody with a pulse to achieve and you don’t get much higher rated from improving in that area beyond a certain point
ACTUALLY, vanishing a deathcoil is a better argument for reaction speed because that one is possible to do by reaction rather than prediction (since death coil is a projectile that has a travel time)
You say this when many players simply don’t have that reaction speed, or the game knowledge. They could learn game knowledge but reaction speed isn’t something that is learned - it just gets slower as you age.
Correct, but with the 400ms tick you can still Vanish it if you react quickly enough rather than just predicting it. Even up close.
I don’t claim to be good at PvP - far from it - nor do I ever think I’ll get to Gladiator. Nor do I care to for that matter. I’m mostly a casual at this point, my time of PvPing was over a decade ago, and not only did my reaction time slip over the years but my game knowledge dried up too. I’ll be doing Arena, but sparingly and purely to get the points and that’s it.