Seal of the Martyr confirmed

the AOE silence is too good for ret, especially in pvp so there’s going to be tons of horde pally


A good change.

Still going with blood elf paladin though. The racial is far superior and Horde will still be the dominant faction in TBC.


This is a great change by blizzard, I wish humans had every man for themself since the belf racial arcane torrent absolutely blows perception out of the water… haha, but its a good call not to mess with racials or anything, beyond balancing an inbalanced class introduction on horde which should have never existed.

but all in all, balancing paladins across the factions is definitely a good choice and will mean that paladins on both factions will be competitive, and actually have access to equally powerful spells. Rather then purely blood elves having a faaar more powerful seal and simply being waaay more poweful then any version of paladin which alliance has to offer.

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If I recall correctly the belf Arcane Torrent didn’t DR with itself back then. Gonna be fun to play against a team of them in arena.


some pallies rerolled horde in tbc. me? i rage quit the game entirely and didn’t come back until wrath. lol


mmm understandable, its good that this glaring issue has finally been redressed, I mean lets not kid ourselves at the end of the day, paladin is in no way even close to one of the best dps classes in the game.

The reality is this balance just corrects an outstanding issue which existed with the class; and in reality should never have existed in the first place, and allows alliance paladins to be remotely competitive rather than forcing them to reroll to the only viable horde option…

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i was a tank. it was just the fact that it was a big reason a lot of ally in general switched to horde. now they fixed it. i went from complaining every time a tbc thread came up, to my wife, now i am excited for it. i might not even play or main a pally but it isn’t some unfair punishment to people who put a lot of time into their pallies just to be /spit on by belves getting everything better just because some guys gfs thought horde were too ugly. lol


Cry more. You were wrong and the devs think your line of thinking is wrong. We have learned, they listen to nobody. They listen to themselves.



Ahhhhh… I love this smell!


Its great to see how much of the community is behind this move to balance paladins across the factions, of course there are a handful who are just trying to incite drama and troll.

But this was a much needed and good choice by blizzard, to finally redress a glaring balance issue which existed for no reason. The community sentiment is clear by the numbers both across the forums and reddit; and its great that blizzard listened to us on this one :slight_smile:.


There was enough blizz fanboy ally-pally influence to get it changed thats why.

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Honestly? This pleases me. The masses going to horde would have been a bad thing for the game. I’m now personally thinking of playing a ally pally because of this change.

People being upset about this change, grow up. This change needed to happen. Rather have a relatively balanced faction over 4/5 horde, or more for that matter. This isn’t about it being server wise, talking about across the board for factions.

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give ally ret paladins a seal which finally puts them on par with horde counterpart
the sky is falling

Chill bro it’ll be ok

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This is actually a great change and I’m glad they made it. Alliance Rets were severely lacking behind Horde Rets because of this.


My blood elf Protection paladin is smirking up at you.

In all seriousness, I would not have done this because I have concerns about slippery slopes, but I see nothing negative in any of the specific changes they’ve mentioned thus far.

(Though that guy who said Seal of Blood is better than Seal of Vengeance more than situationally is either an idiot or pandering to idiots.)

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Don’t make it weird just pretend to be in despair.

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Seal of Vengeance was worse than SOR

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Really happy about this, But won’t Blood Elf prot’s be still stronger than alliance prot Paladins because of the AoE silence they get along with the minor mana gains from mana tap?

Don’t get me wrong I don’t want changes to racials just curious how everyone else sees it.

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Rebalancing tbc from the ground up won’t work. But a simple change like seals that doesn’t incentivize every single ret paladin to reroll faction to be competitive is good.

Regarding racials… I mean technically human is now bis pve. Trying to min max balance everything down to racials and classes would just ruin the game and turn it into something it isn’t. I’m happy for the change and don’t feel like it somehow changes the spirit of tbc.

Silence is better in pvp, human expertise will be better in dps. Pick your poison. But people wanting a bunch of racials to br changed just seem like they’re trying use #somechanges for their own agenda.

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Mana isn’t really a consideration if they’re being healed (they have a mana return passive when healed), but the silence is pretty big as they don’t naturally come with one.

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