Seal of the Martyr confirmed

This I know about the passive. that’s why I was thinking because of the Silence it would make Blood elfs better prots because you’re not exactly aiming for the highest dps when tanking.

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Expertise can help with threat, as can the +hit, but it’s minor. Since most of where your threat comes from isn’t really weapon skills.

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Hm oh well if I make a pally I’ll be making a goat I’m not a min/max person but it just got me thinking.

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so true, to really fix pally; blizz need to give ret the AP to SP conversion similar to what shammy has in tbc, and something that was a very big issue which was why blizz gave it to pally in wrath.

This is awesome news, alliance need seal of the martyr, great decisions devs this was a much needed balance to classics tbc.

I was wondering whether to play classic, now I’m definitely in.:grinning:

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