Seal of the Martyr confirmed

Both Dwarves and Draenei got Chastise

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Exactly. And considering you’ll be facing a truckload of rogues in Arena, it makes sense to go Dwarf Paladin.

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It’s more blizz realizing #nochanges was dumb. All the changes we’re seeing in BC just make me wish they had done this with classic, but it is what it is.

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I’m very happy Blizzard realized no changes was dumb and will have a more hands-on approach to recreating the original experience this time, with some balance changes.


yeah lets get some class rebalancing i’m thinking warriors need world buffs to be baseline stats in TBC

That is nowhere near the same thing as giving both seals to each faction. Regardless, Warriors would still get destroyed by raid damage, world buffs or not.

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true, lets give them a talent to reduce damage taken in raids by 50%

It WAS because it could remove blind. It’s nerfed in TBC, doesn’t remove blind anymore. Still decent against viper sting and rogue weapon poisons, but the blind remove was what made it hands down better than human.

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Brian Birmingham’s argument that the playerbase has changed, and thus they have to change TBC because of it is such utter nonsense. Really, Blizzard? So that’s who you’re making TBC Classic for? The spoiled brat entitled crybabies who obsess over min/max and efficiencies and give no thought to fun or immersion or the rpg aspects of the game? For the SECOND time in the game’s history they’re listening to a very vocal minority of players who whine the loudest. It’s truly astounding how they’re able to walk the same path of destruction the game already went down once.


It was literally up to 15% dps difference. A stupid thing that shouldn’t be a thing. This is nothing to get salty about and quite frankly should of been done in TBC itself. This was NOT a minority opinion and actually helps promote more faction balance. Dumb take is dumb.


im glad we get the bis tanking seal, im never gonna play ret lmao.

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pretty much

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You missed the point, bud.

The argument that “all Priests got Fear Ward, therefore it is okay that Paladin racials do not exist” is invalid when considering Priest racial spells still exist.

Does every Priest have access to Devouring Plague? How about Shadowguard? Feedback? Starshards? Elune’s Grace? Touch of Weakness?


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What’re you talking about? This makes the game incredibly one sided in terms of faction balance for the competitive side of the game. And yes, TBC is actually competitive. Literally anyone that dislikes this change is a retail andy or doesn’t know anything.


Tell me how this sucks the rpg out of the game? It doesn’t. It actually adds to it because now the paladin has to sacrifice something to gain power. It adds to the rpg element instead of detracting from it.

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So Alliance paladins have seal of the martyr your precious RP is safe

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i am a “retail andy” who loves this change as i initially rage quit tbc and was gonna not ever come back because my main was a dwarf pally. i was literally triggered by SoB’s existence. i’ve decided to spend the boost recreating my original toon for tbc. even though i’ve mostly played horde in classic. i didn’t commit to ally in vanilla classic specifically because i didn’t think they’d do the right thing by ally pallies if tbc classic were to ever exist.

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I don’t care about RP. You seem to be missing the point entirely. Please go back and actually read what I was responding to before continuing.

The argument point forth was basically “Dwarf Priests lost Fear Ward, therefore it makes sense for spells to be specific to certain races.” That is totally invalidated by all the other spells that are specific to certain races.

To be clear, this isn’t even a change I oppose. I just find that person’s reasoning to be absurd.

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I think it’s a wonderful change And I played a blood elf paladin in bc.

I honestly don’t understand why everyone’s getting so upset about this I really don’t I don’t feel any Anger towards this whatsoever.

I mean I still think faction balance is going to be a problem though but I don’t think it’s can be on the alliance side it’s no Stephanie going to be on horde.

Ward racial’s are just way better than alliances over all Way better.


This is the wrong way to look at it. They arent rebalancing anything. They are just allowing alliance paladins to do the same damage as horde paladins.

Horde paladins being able to do more damage isnt ‘class fantasy or RPG-centric’. If this were the case, then why dont Alliance shamans have a unique ability that allows them to do more damage than their horde counterparts? The devs admitted it was never intended to create such a massive difference in dps, so they are equalizing both factions. Whats wrong with that?