Seal of the Martyr confirmed

Even if it was still expertise who cares, its not like 100% of warriors are rolling human for it, lol.

It’s 5 Expertise.
Patch 2.3.0 (2007-11-13): Introduced, replacing effects which increased weapon skill. Weapon skill bonuses for melee weapons generally replaced with expertise bonuses. Talents and racial traits which increased weapon skill were changed to directly increase expertise (not expertise rating). Items and racials which previously granted ranged weapon skill were changed to grant hit or critical strike rating instead, as expertise has no effect on ranged attacks.

intresting, must have been wrath pre-patch when it changed to crit.

It’s fine, blood elves still get a busted racial ability.

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Arcane torrent is fun.


Guns/bows/thrown get changed to crit in TBC. In wrath, skinning gives the crit rating buff.

Good change. Maybe now there wont be an ocean of belfs on my server, just a sea. And maybe the alliance will stay afloat in this sea since they will be on a more level playing field in the retribution department.

I’m slightly confused. I see the part you’ve quoted, but then a little ways down it lists the racial changes and says human sword and mace skill changed to crit. But this is actually expertise?

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Yeah, it’s actually expertise, as far as I know.

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I mean horde still as the most broken racials

Still Blood Elf. Their Racials are still better than Ally Paladins. I woulda said Dwarf but Stoneform got nerfed. Space Goat Paladin is Okay I guess, probably the strongest on Alliance side outside of Arena. For Arena it’ll be Human or Blood elf.

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This is a great choice by blizzard and might provide some slight modicum of faction balance, short of this the faction balance will and is still going to be ridiculously skewed towards horde, not to mention arcane torrent is FAR better then perception for pvp.

This is a great change for tbc and even though horde will still out-number alliance to a ridiculous extent this is a move in the right direction.

The reality is ret paladins probably make up at most 5% of the player base and this change makes human ret not just a utility meme but a little more viable. L

The reality is rets provide utility in tbc they are essential to every raid but will never be an a tier dps class, any argument that this change is in any way bad is pure biased and is intentionally ignoring the bigger picture, being the massive population imbalance with horde outnumbering alliance

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I’m so happy with this change. I played a Paladin from '05 and the transition to TBC and finding out Horde get a Seal that gives them more dps was devastating. It was all we wanted and we had to roll Horde to get it.
Extremely happy that they aren’t bowing to the #nochanges shills.


Wow!!! Great!

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me looking down on seething blood elves


Human ret pally is optimal regardless of whatever seals they have access too.

It’s a pointless move population-wise, It’s a good move balancewise to the min-max crowd.

At the end of the day every raid was going to have a ret paladin in it, regardless of faction or seal. This change is just to stop the tears over a 200 dps increase in sunwell BiS.

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Youre waaay underestimating stoneform. Its pretty much one of, if not THE, most overpowered racial on ally side

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Its almost literal trash. Its good vs rogues, ONLY if you’re a healer. Thats it.

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What are you talking about? Its good against rogues as any class. As a healer its good against viper sting. As a rogue its good to drop bleeds from warriors, druids or rogues. It also drops devouring plague and the armor gain isnt nothing either.

I disagree. Perception is the go-to racial for pretty much anyone that can be human.

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