Getting this entire thread back on track, I actually agree that this announcement should’ve happened a LOT sooner than the night before maintenance. Blizzard out here disrespecting everyone’s time by putting this out so late - almost as much as those people that go AFK right as a raid boss pull timer goes out.
No point in actually trying to explain that to him. He doesn’t think it’s his fault and he ‘doesn’t care’ he’s a decurse bot for the true players in his guild.
We MUST know each other. Clearly you know more about me and my actions than I do. Did John put you up to this, that sly devil!
Blizzard will uncap it in Phase 8 mark my words. Just wait until then.
Capping the seal at 8,9, or 10 isnt going to solve the issues why folks cant kill hm4 at 7 I promise you
its not about killing hm4 bosses ,its about not wasting time on trash packs
As well as not having our remnants wasted
Capping it makes no sense. If players wanted it capped, they can literally use whatever rank they want as they’re all available from the NPC. Dumb players want to control how other groups play because they can’t help but treat themselves as the main character.
Either remove the seal entirely or uncap it. Arbitrary cap based on the devs’ friends killing a thing is idiotic. We all know who is asking for it, and we all know how they communicate it to you.
To be brutally honest, leaving it on 7 is like putting the volume to 13, or 17, or any odd number. Just… wrong! so triggering!
Oh no now my number on the screen says 2 instead of 3 next week therefore I cannot have fun clicking the same 3 buttons I’ve always done. I’m a gamerdad and the only factor determining how fun I’m having is the number on the screen I have no control over beyond clicking my 3 buttons. Why does Blizzard keep ruining me. How can my kids and wife look up to me when I’ve told them about how big the numbers on the screen will be at level 8… Back to my coffee, complain on the forums and lose money on hawktuah coin -gamerdad 2025
Can we please not pull the rug on people who were saving, grinding and expecting another rank this week? If you guys wanted to stop at rank 8, that would make sense to do now. But with no notice, it kinda sucks to be stuck with something 3 ranks below what was originally stated. I’m sure a lot of dad guilds and casuals were relying on this boost to clear 4 empowered KT. For those who aren’t, the high ranks make it more like the chips and soda raids that most of us old folks like to play.
Thanks blizz we really need it.
Casual guilds can do the casual modes. Most casual guilds are clearing hm4. You have options if ur a bunch of old boomers go on the casual mode. If ur not then do the harder ones. You don’t get any better gear. The game has options for what type of player you are. Stop trying to do the HARD modes if you want the raid to be EASY.
Now define a casual guild, please. I’m sure it’s exactly one degree less effort than you’re putting in — because that’s where these lines are always drawn. You got what you wanted, so nobody else matters, right?
If you’re going to have the thing scale, let it keep scaling. If you and your group want to use rank 6, you can. Nothing’s stopping you but yourself. Have some modicum of self-control. You’re just trying to police how others play, which only accomplishes one thing — making you look daft.
A casual guild is a guild who shows up to raid once maybe twice a week for a non serious run where the goal is to have a good time and collect loot no one gets angry if mechanics are done well or poorly. Parse is irrelevant most consumes is probably just a flask. These are casual guilds. These players/guilds should be playing on the easier difficulties because they are choosing to not take the game that seriously and thus shouldn’t be doing HARD modes. You have the ability to self modify like you said. No one is stopping you from doing hm2 or hm3. What’s the need to complete HM4 if ur a casual guild? I will never understand why self proclaimed “casual” players feel entitled to complete the hardest difficulties knowing that they could 100% just choose not to do it.
Well all the dads will be quitting. Which is 99% of the player base. RIP
Bro just stop lol. If your sod toon is the same name as ur retail then you are green parsing heroic and havnt cleared +4. If it’s not the same toon - then post on ur raiding toon instead of saying others don’t have “raid awareness” lol
This is a seriously hysterical inclusion to your criteria. That’s the goal of everyone playing a video game, otherwise you’re a serious degenerate and need to take a step back from that game and go outside.
The difference between these positions is that you’re still policing others by saying they can do lower hard modes. Sure, they can, if they choose to. If it’s what you think they should do, that’s not self policing. That’s you trying to police them. Just as you’re trying to police them by demanding lower seal ranks. You can’t comprehend that you’re trying to make determinations for other groups instead of just playing how you wish to play. You can’t be happy unless you have some way to artificially elevate your own standing. It’s insecurity, it’s toxic, and it is legitimately sad.
What are you even typing? I’m not forcing anyone to do anything. They can do whatever mode they want. How far they get is also up to them. Not everyone is going to put the effort in to clear hm4 and that’s ok. However you are not entitled to completing everything for 0 effort. If you wish to do a casual raid then you will probably struggle on the harder modes. That’s ok. You have the ability if you choose to do a lower difficulty to make the raid less challenging if you feel the harder modes aren’t fun. The fact you think mythic mode naxx should be just as easy as normal mode naxx is kinda weird.
Zero effort, by your determination. Again, you can’t help but project. Take a step back for a moment and think about it from the whole and not just your own selfish position. “I got mine” is a really terrible position, but you seem insistent on it being valid. It’s not and never has been. You don’t have to participate in a run doing something you think is too easy. It doesn’t affect you in any way. Your ego appears incredibly fragile.