Seal of the Dawn Capped - March 10

Alot seem to want at least rank 8 go one more rank lol cringe yall catter to the 1% so much


You obviously dont raid with casual players lol hm3 is easy id say some HM4 are hard especially constructs HM mechanic for casuals


Yep, because mechanics aren’t hard. I don’t doubt I’ll have zero issues. (my guild has already cleared HM4, I just haven’t because I just came back to SoD like a month ago, after quitting right before BFD was the go-to raid lol)

You just said your guild cleared HM3 and is gonna try HM4 soon? Which one is it?

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My entire guild is full of casuals. You can find our last HM3 naxx run (from March 7th) on WCL.

Both. The guild cleared HM4 (without me), I am going with the guild this week to clear HM4. I cleared HM3 last week with the guild. Either way, not sure what you’re trying to get at with this line of questioning?

Bosses and mechanics were never hard, I cleared Naxxramas (fully) back in the day before we had addons that played the game for us. Raiders have gotten soft in 2025.

Congrats? I call BS on your whole thread at this point LOL

lol mmkay. I guess thats an opinion. Have a good day.

I dont usually type in forums but blizz i suggest just cap it to 8. Alot of my guildies was expecting rank 8 for the seal and my ocd whats it to be a good even number. I even expected rank 8 to be our last upgrade weeks ago since yes the scaling and how ez some bosses can be with a decent group.


Im never going to have a chance to roll on a horsemen mount now. My guild is real casual and are mostly dads. We just got hm 3 the other week and was hoping we could clear hm at seal 10. The trash is so unforgiving that we spend at least an hour or so just in the spider wing on hm 3. Going to be a pain at hm 4. I mean I would pay $20 for the mount if I was able to via in game shop like other versions of the game. Oh well.


bro got called out LMAOOO

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Just get 4 others together and run undead strat. It’s the same mount that drops on the last boss (just without the ridiculously stupid animation).

Or, reroll as an undead, get an epic mount. Again, same mount, just without the stupid animation.

This guy thinks he’s the smart classic wow player

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I didn’t get called out, I had already stated I don’t care about pink numbers on a 3rd party website. Had anyone asked about my numbers, I would’ve just told them… because again, I just don’t care about parse numbers. They don’t mean anything (and are usually only obtained by selfish measures, putting the entire raid at risk).

There are only two things that matter in a raid; bosses dying, and raiders getting loot. That’s it. 3rd party website numbers don’t mean anything beyond that.

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Hi there, do I know you?

they for sure need to cap it at 10 just to ensure everyone (dad guilds) can clear hm4, if you want content to be hard just boot up retail and go have fun there


They only mean something to those that has nothing going on for them irl.

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They are actually a really good indicator of whether or not you understand and are properly implementing a classes rotation. If you can’t reach blue level parses, the literal average, it means you’re contributing to the issues in your raid. If you can’t kill a boss before people die, either healers aren’t do their job or dps aren’t killing it fast enough. If your role is damage per second, and you’re numbers are low enough to be compared to someone that died in the first 25 seconds of a boss kill, that’s a you problem and you should look into figuring it out.

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Except for the fact that things like decursing doesn’t add to your number on that site. It counts them, but doesn’t attribute toward the parse%. It actually goes against you. Imagine having all your mages and druids not decursing on critical fights because they want to “parse bro”.

this should have been done last Wednesday…