Seal of the Dawn Capped - March 10

No I believe that you’re the one in a terrible position. You don’t wish to put the effort in to clear the hardest content. You don’t NEED to clear it. If you felt the need to clear it you would put the effort in. Simply as. Seal 7 is a pretty big boost. For some reason u just like trying to belittle those who have cleared hm4 for some reason. Nothing wrong with being a casual player, but being a casual player who acts entitled to completing the same content as non casuals is a little sad. You just seem to insult me and tell me I shouldn’t be playing this content? However if they made a harder difficulty for people like me you would just complain you can’t do it. This argument will never end. I stand on the raids have a hard mode for sweaty players, and you stand on the all players should be able to complete mythic mode regardless of the effort or time they put in. Let’s just be thankful blizzard made the correct decision.

You have absolutely no idea what I’ve done or do in the game. Again, projection.

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What am I projecting? My stance that casual guilds don’t need to complete mythic mode? Ye I am.

Your insecurities. You’re projecting how insecure you are in your position by trying to suggest anybody who disagrees is somehow “casual”. You’re incapable of actually having an objective position on the subject because your position is that you got yours, so nobody else matters. You needed a crutch to kill whatever you’ve killed, too, pal. If there is going to be scaling and hard modes, cutting it off arbitrarily when the ability for you to opt into whatever level of that scaling is hysterically insecure. Use rank 4. Use rank 6. I don’t care what rank you want to use, or need to use. The function exists for you to be able to choose. Why you want to take away that choice from others solely because it happened to meet where you find it comfortable is sad and a huge sign that you need some introspection.

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You brought up casuals? You asked me to define a casual guild. I did hm4 with 24 player on seal 6. If you feel that’s a crutch then sure. Your just insulting me claiming I am forcing you to somehow play the game differently. When you’re the one telling me I should lower my seal for a challenge. You’re the one policing me on how I should play. I’m just stating the casual guilds have the OPTION to do not do the harder difficulties and are not entitled to completing the harder difficulties.

I didn’t bring it up. I asked you to define it as you had mentioned “casual guilds”. I don’t care what rank you use. You… aren’t fully understanding this conversation. Instead of playing WoW as seriously as you claim you are Mr. Hardcore, perhaps attend an English class.

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Again with the personal attacks. The conversation is casuals arnt entitled to complete the harder difficulties. You asked me to define a casual. I did. Then you started claiming I am policing people how to play while telling me I should just change my seal if its to easy. I’m not really sure why your so angry towards others on a wow forum who made a statement about how they feel the HARD mode system of a raid should work. Let’s just be thankful blizzard made a good decision.

Anyone who needed rank 6 to clear HM4 is casual. You’re casual. Does this help you understand at all?


Ok. That’s fine. If they stopped the seal at 5 then my guild would of just tried our best to clear on 5 and if we couldn’t do it then we would drop to hm3 for the rest. That’s how the system is intended. I see no problem with doing that.

You definitely wouldn’t have cried about it. Nope. Also, it’s not “how the system is intended”, as the vendor clearly has lower ranks for you to opt to use whichever one you want. The system was “intended” for you to be able to choose. Casual.

Yeah and the optional difficulties are there for you to choose as it is intended and has been for every phase of wows history. I probably wouldn’t of cried. I would of either put in more effort or just not cared all that much.

This you?

“That’s kinda the alternative. Either you use more players to with lower difficulties to make it easier or u cap seal later and limit it to 20. People with pick a side either way. I lean towards the cap the raids at 20 players, but they way it is now currently I think 6 seal is fine given the current options to make it easier”

Funny, that. You somehow determined that the rank is “right” exactly where you, personally, did the thing. Weirdo gatekeeping perfectly at the degree you did the thing. You need to go outside.

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Hence why I said “I personally feel” also with 20 it would of been harder for my group and we might do not even cleared it on 6

… Not understanding your own argument. This is delicious.

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I thought seal 6 was bad though? If u argued it should of been capped at 4 and a lock on 20 player limit I wouldn’t even disagree with you.

So it’s “fine” but “bad”? Interesting. You’re going to have to pick one.

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You said seal 6 was bad and called me a casual. I said 6 felt fine and like a good stopping point if the raids were capped at 20 players. That would also mean I wouldn’t of been able to do it. So I picked fine. You picked bad

I’m going to assume from the couple times you’ve said “of” in place of “have” you don’t know what the word facetious means, so it makes sense the obvious tone eluded you.

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“I have lost the argument so I will now point out your grammar is bad” -you little gnome boi

You think my sarcasm was serious and are taking it as such. You don’t know a bit of what you’re talking about. Casual.