Seal of the Dawn Capped - March 10

Glad it was capped at 7, was hoping for 6. Hardmodes should be hard, what would be the point in hardmodes if they allow the seal to go up to rank 10? HM4 would be clearable by damn near every guild, it defeats the entire goal that hardmodes set out to do; be challenging for the better guilds while not disabling the lower level guilds from being able to clear the content.

The feedback in this thread is shockingly bad, very disconnected from the sod playerbase at large.


cap it at 8 and add mooncloth on a vendor from the Remnants ty


Negative ghost rider, all patterns are full.

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how do you guys manage to be so consistently out of touch? we are not trying to spend this many hours in naxx keep it at rank 8 at LEAST


Exactly. If I wanted a real challenge, I’d go play retail.

I thought SoD was supposed to be a bunch of millennial wow gamers, revisiting classic wow(with a twist). Like, beer in one hand, mouse in the other. This is so disappointing.


And if you want a real snooze-fest, you can play Anniversary.

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Isn’t SoD basically anniversary with runes?

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it’s not even about the raid being a challenge, it takes almost 3 hours to cllear on HM4 even with a competent and fully prep’d group. it’s ridiculous


actually cap it at 10 doing trash takes forever to kill boring af


Personally would rather have seen it cap at 8 for that last big jump in %, but why are you announcing stuff like this LAST MINUTE WITHOUT FAIL. This should be something you announce mid week not the DAY BEFORE RESET.


Blizz, please please reconsider letting it at least cap at 8. Let people have a bit of an option.


They already have 7 options, what would change with an 8th option that they cannot do with the already 7 that exist?

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People just want to kill the trash faster, more people die to trash than any of the bosses.


I hear Blizzard is always hiring, perhaps you could get into some sort of production manager role so you can dictate when and how they announce things.

would change that i dont waste like 20 extra min doing trash


this guy is grey parsing hm1 naxx btw look up majeye :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :v:


I don’t care about random numbers on a 3rd party website. (as previously mentioned in this thread)

And you should look again, we did HM3 last week. (and will be doing HM4 this week)

Because rank 7 to rank 8 is such a huge increase that would finally give casual guilds that necessary boost to blast any difficulty if they choose to. Why implement flex raiding at all if you don’t intend to give players a wide range of choices. Capping at 7 is going to hurt casual guilds.

No it isn’t, casual guilds are already clearing HM3 and HM4. Again, bring better people to your raids.

Wait, you’re giving your opinion about seals and HM4 when you haven’t even cleared HM4 yet? LOL