A MUCH welcomed change. I saw it going to 10 on Wowhead and was like “its already a bit much”. Anyone complaining about it at this point is either bad at raid awareness/raiding, or is just looking for a raid carry… or both.
Do the mechanics people, the bosses aren’t hard. (and no amount of world buffs will stop a 1 shot mechanic from 1 shotting you. see: eye beam on Cthun )
One small change I’d like to see is seal rank 1 unlocked for all other raids.
Those mounts are super annoying, zero bragging rights to be had when you get one. It’s a basic undead skinned mount with an animation that was made entirely too large for the mount size. I see one and I look the other way, if one of these drops in my raid, I’ll be passing to the next person because hell no.
This was actually smart, we 1 shot sapph on 4 and 2 shot KT last week our first time attempting it, good job blizzard. All people need to do is put their pants on straight and get their 6p in order
Incorrect, we’re only a month into Naxx right now. I got my BIS main hand, off hand, wand, and 4 piece T3 in the matter of two weeks time. Gear isn’t an issue. People having raid awareness in order to clear bosses IS the issue. Bring better people to your raids.
I don’t believe this to be true. My guild is very casual and clears with 24 people since seal 6 14/15 on seal 5. Majority of casual can do it on 7 in 2 raid nights like my guild did
If you trucked HM4 this week, y’all will be fine as your raiders get more loot. Just need to reassure them that loot drops every week, so if they didn’t get the item they wanted this week, to keep showing up and they’ll get it.
The more people get loot, the less loot they require - which opens up those loot items for others to obtain.
Just be thankful people still want/need loot, imagine this in about a year’s time when no one wants to run naxx anymore because everyone has everything.
I recommend warcraft-logging, not so people can get pink numbers on a 3rd party website, but merely so you can see what people are doing, what they’re getting hit by in real time. etc. (it also lets you see their gear, enchants, consumes, etc) - helps you hold people accountable.