Agreed on it being a joke, but it wasn’t a joke for you. You were dead for 8/14 bosses lol.
Heh whats up bums, see you all crying about them not ranking up the seal so you bums can kill mythic KT. meanwhile im ridind around on my Mount “war” spamming its summon animation in SW making all you gamer dads upset. by the way did i mention that im doing this from my dads yacht out in the middle of the atlatic while fishing for fish so rare you have a better chance of getting a Baron binding. Laters bums.
Also I dunno if your server is dead or what because >50 guilds on CS-US have cleared it. 160 something world wide.
it’s because nobody does it with 20, we have benches that we bring.
Not like it’s hard, just need to learn the extra phase and curse at Blizzard for not letting us skip the first phase.
Not sure where you’re seeing that number from, but if you go to overall encounters I died twice for the entire raid lmfao one of those being on Instructor Razuvious because mc broke early and he clapped me instantly.
I’m rather convinced based on this decision alone you don’t actually read ANY of the feedback players give. You just continue to alienate your player base rather than simply commit to the path you started. The whole purpose of Level 10 epic seal was to do the optimal dmg in Naxx that’s what we basically were working towards… Now since you’ve cut that off, the interim before Scarlet Enclave is basically gone. Its more frustrating that you say you monitor things closely, but then the end results feel like you completely lied on that statement lol.
Fun police … GOOOOOoooo!!!
What fun? the raid was pretty much getting too easy and boring like it’s already in normal mode.
Honestly, I was hoping for at least Rank 8 to be max. Rank 7 just feels weird overall. I have 5.5k remnants still split up between my 2 characters and genuinely don’t plan on gearing more, so, I don’t see any use to them, and feel as if my time was just wasted. I hope you guys have plans to help players get rid of excess Remnants, ie. being able to buy war torn scraps and other necessary mats with them. Would be very helpful. I think the only reason it feels weird to stop at 7, is because we weren’t told anything about it and I’m sure 90% of the player base thought we would get Rank 8 Seal tomorrow. We def have enough power, just not what we expected tbh.
Makes sense to me. On to phase 8!
Same brother
Cool, now I got thousands of USELES remnant tokens. How about you either give us something useful to buy with them or let us do the xpac thing and convert them all to gold.
I dont think the issue is that the raids too hard. Its that Bliz is realizing NOW how overpowered this would make us? did they run any sims or anything beforehand? I wasnt a huge fan of it in the first place, but its been fun simming different gear and seeing how much dam you will do next week etc. the raid is not hard with or without thats no the issue, they sold us on this and now theyre saying whoops no more. So another few months w/ everyone in BIS week 3 raid logging.
I doubt thats why anyones upset
You’re right, people aren’t upset that they can’t clear HM4 (because you can it isn’t hard) it’s the fact that we were sold the idea of going to Rank 10, Expected Rank 8 tomorrow, and then we get a crypto rug pull stunt. Now people are stuck with thousands of useless remnants, that they farmed hours for, and don’t even plan on lvling new alts.
So dumb. On a seasonal version of the game, don’t let us blast. A game meant for casuals, yet, cater to the sweats.
Terrible decision.
They are account bound. You can always move them to alts to help level up there seals or use them for currency at the vendor.
Weird decision. Even more annoying it has to be 7 of all numbers. You guys go back-and-forth so much, and it’s not even a bad thing that you were going to go up to rank 10. Make it take every 2 weeks so that groups not clearing at this point have to wait a month to be rank 10. Or at LEAST let us take rank 8 tomorrow, 7 feels so frickin weird
Right, but that’s still a much much smaller amount than had done full AQ hardmode in that time span. Glancing at just the WG stats, it’s 45ish on 20man and almost 100 on 20+.
I understand more guilds are running with 25 or more now compared to last phase, but it’s still about half the guilds as had cleared the same level of content in a similar timespan (and I’m not even including how AQ had Chistmas/New Year in its raid schedule)
Good change! The level of power was definitely reaching a silly level. Pugs are able to do 3 pylon with some 4 mixed in, so I think we’re in a good spot.