Script to Disable Screen Shaking on Certain Abilities

This is an issue I have been having for months now. My screen will shake when using certain abilities, such as hammer of the righteous on my paladin or chaos strike on my demon hunter. It looks like my entire screen is being squeezed for a very small amount of time. You can see it here:

The shaking is subtle but noticeable when I use hammer of the righteous. According to the blue in this thread: Screen Shaking on Certain Abilities this is intended behavior. I am looking for a script or console command to disable the screen shaking. Anyone know what could work.? I have already tried /console cvar_reset , /console cvar_default and /console actioncam off

I have tried:
-Using Direct x 11 instead of 12

  • Setting Physics interactions to player only and off.
    -Vertical Sync on and off
    -Setting my monitor to every refresh rate possible (60,100,120,144hz)
    -Using different monitors
    -Resetting my ui my by deleting my cache, interface, and WTF Folders
    -Reinstalling windows
    -Updating video/chipset drivers.
    -Using /console cvar_reset and /console cvar_default
    -Playing on an entirely different computer, still have the same issue.
    -Making sure the action cam is turned off with /console actioncam off

I watched that video 10 times, even slowed it down to 0.25 play speed, and the only shaking/movement i saw was when you had manually adjusted the camera view. I saw nothing that resembled “squeezing”.

The only “off” thing I saw was during the slowed playback of your DH’s final strike. It’s animation combined with the Stag’s interrupted attack animation which became its death animation and the appearance of the XP Amount. I would say that combo of things wasn’t handled smoothly by the game. Parts were clipped, but I wouldn’t describe it as shaking or squeezing.

Maybe you have another vid that better demonstrates it or maybe you were thinking of something in the middle…

Watching the ground textures along the left side of the screen, I don’t see it move at all.

They described it over in the support forum. Blue confirmed and suggested they post here:

Don’t know what to tell you two, its subtle but you definitely can notice a small screen shake or squeeze right after I use hammer of the righteous, the video demonstrates it as clearly as I could get it to. Anyone have any scripts or commands to fix this?

It looks like Tink and Elvenbane tried to help you with this a while back. Did you try the ‘Advanced Interface Options’ addon that was suggested in that thread?

Yes, but there are like 200 different CVars for the camera so I didn’t know where to start.