Not sure why… but having a weird screen flickering issue. Anyone know what settings I could possibly try to change to fix this? It’s very light, but enough to be seriously annoying.
i think i know what you’re talking about, like there’s a lighting issue? and the lighting creates a weird subtle square?
Dunno but someone in TBC classic was complaining about this also, Might check your settings. Someone said they were all reset. Good Luck anyway.
Maybe on the lighting issue… it’s like an almost faint black colored flicker. It gets worse when I change the camera angle quickly
yep sounds like the same thing me and a friend are experiencing, i changed a whole bunch of settings, couldnt find a fix.
Any chance you’re in the blood elf starting zone? I haven’t tried anywhere else but that’s where I’m experiencing this issue.
yeah i was experiencing it all over, most notably in the pvp war room in orgrimmar
My light textures have been flickering randomly for over a year on WoW. It’s a known issue with mostly nvidia graphics cards. The only fix I’ve found, is for some reason raising or lowering my resolution scale by 30% or more fixes it. No idea why.
Here’s the fix go back to Directx11. Blizzard still doesn’t know what to do with Directx12 and all it has caused are problems. Directx11 should fix it.
i thought this was a joke on the fact there is a toy that shows the dark portal as a hologram or something… and if your graphics are trash it makes it feel like screen is flickering…
must be one of those damn bundle toys…
that did fix my problems of randomly DCing because of certain areas and graphics in Bastion in Shadowlands, I might try it out.
nah, ive seen the toy. we’re talking about a legit issue.
Yes, I’m getting this exact issue. It’s very noticeable when dropping a totem with a bright light effect on it, like Searing Totem for example. A faint box/square surrounds the totem, projecting out to about 10 yds or so.
But other environments like the inn at Gadgetzan, are also filled with all sorts of weird flickering : all over the furniture and table decorations for example.
Fiddled with all of the Graphics and Advanced settings, no joy so far. Also updated my nVidia drivers to the latest release from a few days ago, but that hasn’t helped either.
Very interested to hear of any possible solutions!
I am seeing this also! Especially on the Beta, but I’ve seen it in the pre-patch as well. Usually inside buildings, right? Like right around Thrall, for one instance. It’s like the torches that are lighting his little area aren’t having their light rendered properly.
Because I have an older video card that cannot run the new Ray Tracing tech, I just assumed that was why I saw those & I’ve just ignored them. D’OH! (And yep, it’s an NVidia card!)
Glad I’m not the only one! Not that I’m glad you guys are as annoyed as me with this issue but… haha.
Hoping some kind of fix comes out. I’m OCD and this is going to drive me crazy. Keep me updated guys, I’ve tried all of the above and nothing is working. Ughhhh…
Occasionally i will have a dark flicker like you mention. Not all black but as if the weather was darkening for less than half a second before going back to normal. Thought my card was going out. This happened to me in every zone so I can’t isolate it. I am on DX11 for reference, since someone above said that was a fix for them and it I’ve been on it the whole time.
I am getting a split second all grey screen at random. Blood elf starting zone. 2080ti. Wife is not 1080. Maybe it the ray tracing or the direct x 12. I’ll give it a shot and see if it fixes. Update. Messed with setting direct x 11 12 ray trace nothing worked. Then I turned off free sync on my monitor and the problem went away.
Donkamo!! If you lived near me, I’d buy you a nice bottle of wine. Turning off G-sync fixed the issue for me. THANK YOU brother! If you guys are all still having the issue and you have g-sync enabled, turn it off and it should fix the issue. Thank god it wasn’t a hardware problem… had me worried!
Phew kinda thought it was just my comp or lag but sounds like you have the same thing I do.
I’ve had this issue on the beta, was hoping that it was just a beta issue… but here we are.
I haven’t been able to fix it either.