Scourgestones not dropping for me

I have the trinket equipped and have done all the achievements/quests. No stones dropping for me in Strat

Two things:

Firstly, you shouldn’t need the trinket equipped anymore, just to have gotten it should be sufficient.
Secondly, have you received a Scourgestone from killing Dark Master Gandling? Once you do so, you should begin receiving them, and be able to disable picking them up from Zackett Skullsmash, inside of Naxxaramas. He would also be able to re-enable picking them up.


I don’t know. I have a lot of inert scourgestones in my bank (useless) but I could kill Gandling again to see if he drops a stone

Try doing that, in the original Scholomance version where you found the broken Argent Dawn comission. He should drop a Scourgestone quest item which unlocks the ability to find them off other bosses, and leads you into Stratholme, then Naxxaramas to start working on acquiring old T3 sets and the patterns for Frost Resist armor.

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Looks like I needed to kill him again. I’ll let you know if I’m looting stones now or not.


Hi I have everything unlocked and I’m currently working on the t3 quest for the guy in naxx but when I got to scholo or strath none of the bosses drop the corrupter scourgestones I need (20) I have both achievements and the part where I don’t need the trinket anymore. The scourgestonss from the naxx bosses drop for me just none of the scholo or strath bosses.[quote=“Kiyoko-ravenholdt, post:4, topic:1995617, full:true”]
Try doing that, in the original Scholomance version where you found the broken Argent Dawn comission. He should drop a Scourgestone quest item which unlocks the ability to find them off other bosses, and leads you into Stratholme, then Naxxaramas to start working on acquiring old T3 sets and the patterns for Frost Resist armor.

Are they dropping any scourgestones? Only Naxx bosses drop Corrupter Scourgestones, the others should be dropping Invader Scourgestones. Also, did you go into Scholomance through the ritual tome? They will only drop in the special, old version, not the new one from MoP.

If they are not dropping anything, and you are sure you are instanced to Old Scholomance through the ritual book, and you’ve turned in the quests, I have two thoughts as to what could be causing it. My first guess is that you might need to toggle scourgestone drops off and on, I think it is Archmage Angela at the entrance to the Scarlet Enclave who does that but it might be Duke Nicholas Zverenhoff at Light’s Hope.

The other thought I have is that there might be a bug effecting it. I noticed that additional Invader’s Scourgestones are dropping in timewalking Stratholm (2 per boss, instead of 1, due to the increased boss drops on tw instances), I could see a bug causing issues where it isn’t dropping properly being something that could happen. Sadly, I don’t know how to test for that. My advice if you tried toggling it off and on would be putting in a bug report in game, and possibly a bug post on the forums here in the bug reports subcategory.