Scourge Event Nerfed - Thank You

There were two?

Its funny everybody who was excited for the event were “griefers”

But you making a thread pouring salt on the topic isnt trolling.

Sorry man if I am a griefer than you are a troll.


undead invasions and the zombie outbreak with the diseases.
and often at times the diseases started in city’s and moved onto other places.
so even than, could move to horde towns from alliance areas back then.

but they no longer can heal each other.

dang, the event was so much fun, I feel sorry for anyone that didn’t have beta. It will pretty much be lackluster and boring now. I was super excited to see all the mayhem and feeling on edge- trying to survive on live and doing it with some of my friends who didn’t have beta.

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one ,it would be an control method have a limited time for the infection and A time to limit the spread .Geesh,sound like a disease control scientist now.

it was fun for about 3 days but it lasted a month.

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Nah you don’t.


I would have been fine with that but there needed to be an opt out the prewrath event got very old very fast.

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I guess those likes mean nothing.

Nice double post there. You seem mad, you should have a Snicker’s.

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in this thread: a small number of people gloating how they ruined fun for a large chunk of the playerbase.


I’m not the one raging and I posted as I read through the the thread way too much work on mobile to try to multi quote. But yes you should probably eat something I’ve know puppies tend to get cranky when they haven’t eaten in a while :slight_smile:

281 people are against you.

You still think you’re in any position to call yourself the majority?

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Have you ever heard the saying your right to swing you fist stops at my face? I would have been fine with them just making it so you can opt out but there needed to be a way to opt out. Unlike most here I played during the actual event it was fun a few days then it got really old. This is back when I was a kid and actually enjoyed being a jerk and doing stuff like random ganking. Cities were basically unusable and there was very little skill component which was the bigger issue.


Funny when the 5000ish people liking the issues with covenants posts on the beta forums get brought up we are told they don’t represent the majority :slight_smile:


nope, never heard it.
i don’t think zombies care about your rights.
they’re zombies.

i think you’ll find that most here, were around for the original.

are you aware that this event was not going to be like the pre-wrath event?
there had been significant changes made.
it wasn’t going to be a “do over”.


Puling numbers out of thin air isn’t water in your glass doofus.

Mine is literally right there for all to see, it literally doesn’t take a lot to see who are really being the no fun allowed turds who are laughing and gloating at all the misery for the big bad muh griefers.

And I am mad, mad that Blizzard caves to immature twits like you.

The squeaky wheel gets the grease. Sadly that is true.


I’m not?

Sorry it’s 4000 still probably the most liked post in the history of the forums.

I’m not gloating at anything I’m just glad there is an opt out I think the other changes are overboard but there needed to be an opt out.

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Zombies who are controlled by players.

Very doubtful

I was not again I can’t agree with the massive nerfs all I wanted was an opt out. As long as I could collect any mog gear and not have to deal with trolls I was just fine with letting you guys wreck warmode.

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No point in an opt out when it’s completely neutered it might as well not exist.

Enjoy the peace I guess.

Rolls eyes


I literally said I don’t agree with the massive nerfs all I wanted was an opt out. Try reading before spewing rage.

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