Scourge Event Nerfed - Thank You

Good, no greifing this time, specially at starting zones. Good. Good


Well the forums became increasingly entitled after a certain point because a mentality of “if I shout the loudest daddy blizz will listen to me” and it worked, and now more people do it, and situations like this is the result.

My personal opinion is that LFR was the big event that changed things, but you can argue it isn’t and that’s fine.

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You should put that name calling energy into calling the devs out on this. The two minor changes I mentioned above would work with no nerf and everyone could enjoy with no griefing.

You call others losers while critical thinking evades you. GG.


There is never an issue with discussion. Bad decision making from that discussion though…

That’s because it’s your personal thorn. But I don’t have the same problem with it.

But as far as this event, they can make it optional and not nerf it into the ground. Making for a very boring pre-patch event.

This seemed the most logical in-between tbh

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This is the same person who started another “Bring Back Mage Tower” thread about a week ago that devolved into a huge whine fest of “it’s not fair I literally couldn’t play then, it’s not fair to new players, screw you guys for wanting to have something that can no longer be obtained” for literally 8 hours. OP wasn’t the biggest whiner there, but definitely started it off.

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A toggle would be nice. Also the servers were crashing because it was implemented suddenly on PTR. The whole purpose was to stress out the servers to see how much it can handle. They are doing it again tomorrow.

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The first time around, I was rerolling on a new server and was frantically trying to level so the event was a little frustrating.

I did take time off from leveling to enjoy the chaos though. Even as a non-max level healer, their was plenty of opportunity to get in on the fun.

So, yeah I really enjoyed it but it did get in the way if you had something that you wished to get done.


Well hopefully they un-nerf it then.


What would you say to more NPCs healers and a toy to help heal/dispel? And when I say more NPC healers, I mean a lot more.

Edit: OH and bankers, AH, Quest Givers, and flight paths are immune.

I think protecting NPCs/quest-givers is needed. Also give people an option to opt-out if they don’t want to deal with the event (+ Exile’s reach immunity). Now it’s just so watered down and pointless :confused:

Easy, make players and quest givers below level 15 immune.

Even more so, Blizzard needed LFR so more people would see the raids, in order to justify the continuation of dumping massive amounts of resources into them. No sense in making the most resource-heavy content if only 15% of the player base is going to see it in its entirety.

I absolutely see your point, and I am glad you see mine. What people need to understand with an event like this, is it is supposed to disrupt the day-to-day play. It is a special event. People should stop and enjoy that and experience something that is happening for a very brief window and then disappearing forever.

Leveling and stuff will still be around afterward. That is what I did the first time. Had more fun running from zombies than I did leveling up. People are so rigid anymore that any kind of deviation from the norm becomes “mY ScHeduLe! REEEEE!”

I was who you called the “biggest whiner” in that thread. I’m the one who said it wasn’t fair, and I stand by that. I wasn’t posting for literally 8 hours though, and I never said that last thing. I wasn’t whining. That wasn’t a troll thread, and neither is this one, though OP has a lot of opinions people that many on GD seem to disagree with.


Yeah I think I made a mistake by attributing it to LFR (although I still have my personal grievances with it). I’m trying to figure out what caused this kind of mentality in the playerbase.

From what I remember, things were really accessible back in WoTLK (including the raiding scene), but Blizz had also made stuff like heroic dungeons easy, so a lot of the hardcore crowd started to complain about it, and Blizz listened and changed their philosophy in Cata to make things harder. This angered the large population of casuals in WoTLK that were happy with how the game was, and then they started to complain.

We’ve been in this mess of two polarizing groups that are always at odds with each other ever since. Just look at the min/max threads. One side will always be favored over the other at various points of time, and I just wish Blizz either designs things knowing that they have 2 distinct groups that needs to be satisfied, or choose one side.

I was so excited for this event. It was the reason I was resubing. Now that it’s gutted because of people who want zero inconvenience in their game play, I have no reason to sub. This sucks.


People are just terrible by nature.


you must be high or something by what you describe its boring and who wants a boring pre patch event? not looking good for shadowlands


It sucks we are losing out on a fun event because some people cant control their OCD over dying in a video game. Bravo.


Guys… this is a bait thread. The zombies are not this nerfed at all.

Are you all this easy?