Scarlet Crusade Alliance Reconnections

Heya, Joy :slight_smile:

A bunch of old Archon has returned on Grobb, horde-side. If you decide to play there, look for Dizzle (Bluedizzle), Croaker (Illid) or me (still Oghier) for an invite.

Hope you’re doing well!

Isilien!..also wow so many names i remember from that…also was a 60 dwarf warrior…and had a human rogue named laet and a mage named kithroy…

Remember you from the Goldshire days just dueling!

Samarola (human warlock) of Aegis of the Dissident checking in.

aka FatalSin NE hunter & Myrianna (human priest)

I’m in contact with quite a number of the AotDotA (the horde and the alliance sides) so if you are looking for someone that ran with us, let me know and if I have contact information I’ll pass your contact info along.

I think i remember you from lordaeron knights…its me karried, leit, berilled, kithroy, or laet…if you remember any of those haha

Xeng i remember you!

I do remember Arrlemigl! I was the loudmouth constantly telling everyone what to do in the raids in Blood and Honor, not quite as angrily as Gerren liked to. But more than anything I hope we had fun in our raids, I did, though they were stressful sometimes that helped the reward factor.

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My main back in classic was Erwyn, a restro druid with Scarlet Aristocracy. I also sometimes ran with Archon. I’m looking to reconnect with any of the SA crew, my bear tank Chatnoire, or my gnome buddy Hexabrix.

Karta - Warrior - Dark Company

Hi! Haven’t seen you about laetly.

Hey Spike, I remember you for sure.
The guild was Advent and we had some fun times, ZG, MC, BWL, AQ etc.,.
I was a dwarf Pally - Dunniniar (Dunni) Scotsman, you may remember the accent heh.
I will never forget the time Kanni fell asleep during MC at Baron Geddon. :smiley:
There were a lot of good people, you may remember Srmax and Zealanius amongst many others.
Hope you are good mate.

Maileena - Human - Mage
Random Battle Group,
Didn’t play heavily until BC then was in Scarlet Aristocracy
Just kinda saying hi!

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Haha i do not remember dueling in goldshire a whole lot but it was a very long time ago so anything is possible!!

I battled everyone but I also partied with people in Scarlet Aristocracy a lot

Zookmottin Here:

Looking for Badbomb, Buttercup, and especially my old twink buddy Palamalino. Anyone from the old MeleeStorm days and even Kurumino, who was the frost mage and who I taught to farm DM west.

Wyndywalker my boomkin friend.

I remember you. I was zookmottin, I joined LK right at the tail end before we moved to tbc.

wave Hey maneens i definitely remember fighting against you in BG’s, I played Mallik Orc High Warlord Warrior =) Hope your doing well

Hey all!

Shogwat, gnome combat rogue. Green hair :D.

Was part of a few guilds. I remember briefly being part of Storm if Formosa before joining Iron Phoenix for a good portion of the leveling process. Somewhere in my mid 40s I believe I joined Nemesis Legion.

Friends I remember - Oakshanta was an officer and a 60 NE rogue that went on a few assassination runs in Thunder Bluff with me. I also remember human warrior Rhorex and Dwarf Warrior Gustav.

Any nemesis legion out there?

Made it to level 60 around late winter of 2006, and played from September 05 - May 06.

LOL. I was Itolis - Tauren Shaman. I got you to High Warlord. Are you playing classic?

lol ! hey man ,ya im playing, my btag is Zmokedoubt#1209 hit me up