Scarlet Crusade Alliance Reconnections

Heya Slayth, muttonboy/chop!
Was wondering where you guys ended up?

Ah, Dai Shiden
I miss those days.
I used to be the Gm of the guild.
After it disbanded, I heard it refomed.
By then I had left wow.
Anyways, I have re rolled on
Classic again as Lyonell.
Good to hear the my old guilds name

Holten and Ariel !
Dai Shiden.
I miss Holt

Rolled up on Bloodsail. Missed your first request. resent to you.

I remember many a stand off with you.

~ Murdermor, UD Warrior

Shout out to Ladies of Destiny.

Loved killing you all and raiding with you.

Big hugs to Ishonbu.

~Murdermor \ Kelesta

Watwwa! I don’t know if you remember Shadowlife/Ambious. Took a seriously long hiatus after cata. Hope you are doing well!

Oh I do remember you. Was Kaedris myself.

Wow, so sad that I never found this thread until now since it seems kinda dead…so many familiar names!

Same toon for me, no changes…had this guy since 2005. Not my main any more, but was my only toon back in vanilla. Spent the majority of my raiding life first with Scarlet Aristocracy, and then Archon. Also raided with Eternal for a while in Wrath on my hunter. SA’s first Rag kill and Archon’s server-first C’Thun kill remain some of my fondest memories from this game. Oh the good old days…

Aerwen - Human -Rogue
looking for my Nelf Hunter friend Gerwen

Gdi monsinne

Late to the party - Cat and Maggie went to Oceanic servers for a while, played a little with them there after Synergy died, but I don’t think either of them play anymore. I see Bladecow every now and then, but not on SC. I’m still playing sporadically, but on several different realms, Moon Guard, Thrall, whatever catches my eye. Barvalisk#1224 on the ol Bnet.

Hey guys! This is Rhianne (resto druid) I was also in Formosa. It is so awesome to see your names again :smile:


I played Alliance from 2004-06 Classic Wow. I (still) have a Paladin:

  • The character’s name is Nelleamme.

  • The original guild was Scarlet Monastery.

  • Hoping to reconnect with Tyrlin or Wrathmane (Splinter Cell Guild). Good people are always needed.

Nisi, I always wondered whether you still play! Do you remember me? I played Niiko, a human priest, and I was in the Vanguard of Vengeance. I was recruited by my IRL friend who played a dwarf hunter named Walrusdude (later renamed). You and other guild-mates like Baradys used to help me out with quests and dungeons. I was just a kid back then and never had enough play time to get to max level in vanilla but the social aspect was a lot of fun for me. I’ve been on a 10-year hiatus but a friend convinced me to come back and check things out this summer and I thought of you and the old VoV. I’m playing the same priest, revived and renamed as Nikolaus but still on Scarlet Crusade in retail. Anyway, hope you’re well!

It’s been a long time since this thread was active but I only just found it. Zhanera, Draenei Paladin on Scarlet Crusade. Still play there with a small family guild but most of my wow time the last few years has been in classic on Bloodsail Buccaneers. I am looking for anyone that might remember The Order of Mjolnir. I raided ICC with them and can’t remember many names but thought it was worth a shot. I remember doing old vanilla and TBC raids that I think may have been hosted by a hunter in archon, might be wrong on the guild there.

Protection paladin named Typhirion, or Balance/resto druid named Amalaas. Used to be in a guild called the gankstas, or immortalis.
Curious if any of the old scarlet crusaders are around!