those names bring up nightmares from when i was grinding for grand marshall back in the day. I believe all of them made HIgh Warlord
Matumbo and Nelfrox made HWL. Xas did not.
I played as Naveed, a nelf hunter. Started in Legacy of Darkblade and moved on to other guilds. Love to meet up with some other friends from back in the day.
I played as Darkflower on Scarlet Crusade in the guild Lordaeron Knights. I was a human priest. I remember raiding on my crappy pc, and us beating Majordomo Executus on the first pull! Currently I’m on Old Blanchy bc Stalagg’s queues are insane.
Just wanted to say hi to all the old names and faces… reading through this thread hits me in the feels. I was in Archon in vanilla (if one of you who is playing classic with some of the old crew sees this, say hi to the others for me!) and later in Ladies of Destiny.
Kokoe, nelf hunter (and also Marikel nelf druid) from Scarlet Aristocracy. I see so many familiar names!! I’ve been very casually playing as my precious night elves again on one of the normal servers. Feel free to say hi if we were buds back in the day Deedala#1507
Archon have a guild going on Grobbulus Horde if you were intending to play, and a lot of other SC people are on Grob Horde too
I don’t really remember the name, but I was in Blood & Honor MC Progression to AQ 20. Arrlemigl, I tanked a little and then DPS’d.
I am pretty sure I remember the name Maxxtraxx, unfortunately my memory isn’t good enough to remember much more than that.
– Arrlemigl
Holten, Aeriall, and friends will be playing on Benediction Horde
Hi, I was Kaedris in Vanilla, Night Elf Hunter! Would love to get back in touch with old contacts!
Oh hey I do remember you!
Hawph Hunter
Northwind Templar Officer
Mondrel Druid
Viner Warlock
Bronic Pally
Dark Omen among others
I definitely remember that guild. You guys were actually into RP quite in the early start. Especially around Stormwind.
Ran with Archon as a guest often with my hunter Hawph
Yes we were often and causal
raiding with ourselves or Dark Haven if was doing something bigger
Holy heck dude!!! how you been dude! I could never forget Nav and Kat
Hey, what up my name is Kshra/Talën/Tyki(Gnome Rogue)My name changed a lot, Or Kyrsha(Night Elf Hunter) if you knew me back in Classic. I was in Praetorian Knights, Aegis of the Dissident, Ladies of Destiny. Quite a few people I would love to get in contact with from my old group, too many to name. Did a lot of raiding and pvp ya know? hmu #Taleus1102 Lets see how many people from goldshire can remember me! I miss my Duel buddies.
Kiraf, its me your man. Kyrsha! Remember the couple of videos we did with hex Lord Malacrass?
Kyrsha right here brother, add me #taleus1102