It’s funny because the only way of getting more acuity is fulfilling all the no-mats patron orders for tens of thousands of gold
AA is pure bs lol. Nvm, CRAFTING this expansion is pure bs, there fixed.
But you don’t know it’s rare until mid grind. At the start they give you like 400 and they’re like “now spend it” and I’m sure there would have been a few that went ham.
Ironic that being in that 1% having the gold to AA profession switch and then do every patron order is the way to do it
You don’t need THAT much gold for patron orders. a top 50% can do it.
It depends on your proffesion. At the moment in my LW they are asking for a 7k item offering nothing but the spark for 1KP.
Since the “buff” last week, Ive been getting a lot more orders with items already there so its an improvement.
The tinderbox? I’ve already gotten a couple of those just from fishing and mining. Does skinning drop them? There is also the pvp gem orders, you can buy those gems with honor by running 2 or 3 epic bgs.
The gating is the way it is as a means to keep ALL players subscribed longer - full stop.
Also the fact that spending gold on patron orders can provide more acuity or that shuffling through every profession and dumping 100Ks of gold on materials to gain first craft bonuses for even more acuity suggests it is NOT set up to help average players compete.
I liked the guy who sat on the bench and just gave you mettle every week, but I can also see the benefit of patron orders mantaining demand for materials and reagents.
I spend about 200k on materials and have already made all that back, I am in the black as of this week.