Scaling issue in Pandaria Remix

Been playing remix a lot since release, the difficulty spikes from scaling at level 60+ for some content seems a bit surprising/extreme.

Heart of fear normal is causing a couple issues with:
-Pheromones on Garalon that are scaling with level way too high and one shot your whole group with one tick if a high level player gets it
-Screech and Cry of terror on Grand Empress also causing the same type of issue with one tick being able to wipe your group
-Fling also kept killing people that would get targeted/cleaved for millions of damage on Amber-Shaper Un’sok

Terrace of endless spring normal also has a small issue:
-Lightning prison from protectors of the endless also one shot people from one tick

Gates of setting sun heroic:
-Sabotage was obliterating some of my party members on Saboteur Kip’tilak, I don’t remember exactly their levels

This is more a personal remark but Armsmaster Harlan in scarlet halls heroic also seems to pack quite a punch compared to other bosses once you get to 60+


The scaling is definitely a huge issue at the moment. I just hit level 70 on my guardian druid and even though I have top end greens with a mix of offensive and defensive gems, I am still getting rocked when I pull 4+ mobs.

I can only imagine the struggle other classes are having because it took me over half an hour to do the Vol’jin scenario for the Krasarang quest chain. Most of it was fighting the first and second boss though the third boss did take a while as well but no where near enough as the first two. Also I have notice that DoTs are hitting way too hard.

I personally haven’t touched any other instance content yet as I am questing. Also I am noticing that after level 65, the experience threads stopped dropping completely.


I also noticed a very strange scaling during this event and other players have reported this around the world.

Forum WoW NA

Forum WoW Brazil

Forum EU

Just a few topics on the subject around the world.


There is also an issue with threat scaling with healers. I have tried to adjust my output of hps/dps, but the only thing that really made a difference was the removal of all tinker sockets from my gear. This only became a problem starting 5/18, so I am not sure if something happened recently, but this was not an issue while leveling up and healing. Even if the tank is doing 10x dmg and 2x healing, I am still pulling through a verdant embrace and holding threat.

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Yup! Now that I have tanked several heroic dungeons, threat as a whole is borked. I will preemptively pop defensives before I pull trash mobs and it doesn’t matter how hard I hit mobs, people, especially healers, are pulling threat off me left and right. It doesn’t matter if I taunt, it’s a free for all for the most part. It’s awful!

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Just ran monastery on heroic and druid tank was being one shot by melee attacks on the 3rd boss. We did finally finish it and it was an experience. I got into it halfway through because they fell apart since the tank before had been having the same issue.

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